My group and I would like to bring the canteen back. As well has my fellow classmates and the students of the school, the canteen was a productive way to buy snacks that may go along with our lunch.
The canteen supported healthy, enjoyable snacks for the students of Saluda Trail. Why can't we have a canteen? It brings money, to the Saluda Trail environment and leaves smiles on the faces of students.
Our idea is to let the ambassadors manage the canteen when under the supervision of the closet guidance counselor. The process of healthy snacks distributed to the students will cause more and more students, even teachers to buy from the canteen.
For the first 10 minutes of each grade level lunch the canteen could be open for the students. The ambassadors and also eat while serving the students healthy products and set up a productive schedule that will allow everyone to work and volunteer a day of lunch helping the canteen.
" Nutrition really is the key to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy life. It goes a long way toward lowering the risk for heart disease and improving overall health," says Dr. Rita Redberg, a cardiologist at the University of California.
Our of 20 students surveyed, 19 of the students agreed to bring back the canteen. Students, including myself explained the positives of the canteen and the most commonly reason stated was the system. The canteen flowed quickly, thrifty and quietly each day. We hope this presentation approves of the Saluda Trail environments mind.