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Caracas, Venezuela

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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An expedition led by Diego de Losada in 1567 arrived at a valley surrounded by water . Losada founded the city . The official name is Santiago de Leon de Caracas . Santiago for the patron saint of Spain . Leon after the the governor of the day and Caracas after the Indian group which inhabited the coastal mountain range . The city was founded on July 25 , 1567

Photo by danielito311

The city was elected administrative seat of the Providence of Venezuela in 1577 . Caracas is the capital of Venezuela and the largest city in the country . It is also one of the principal cities of South America . It is the country's leading center of education , culture , industry and commerce .

Photo by danielito311

The city of Caracas is heavily influenced by other cultures around the world . There are a lot of Catholics here . They celebrate many Christian holidays . It's most important holidays are Semana Santa , a Holy Week running from Palm Sunday to Easter , and Christmas .

Photo by danielito311

Lives of teens in Venezuela vary greatly . Some teens work part time to help support their families while others stay home and concentrate on their school work .

The mayor of caracas is Antonio Ledezma. Caracas government is a lot like Americas. They have three branches just like us.mthey are run with a federal government

Photo by danielito311

Venezuela is located in South America . It is in the northern part of the country . It is directly above the equator. Giving it warmer weather .

01 de abril : la baja va a ser de 64 grados . El colmo en el día va a ser de 85 grados . Hay un 20% de posibilidades de tener lluvia. Será soleado y parcialmente nublado
02 de abril : la baja va a ser 66 grados . El colmo en el día va a ser de 82 grados . Hay un 60% de posibilidades de tener lluvia. Habrá nubes cubren el sol.
3 de abril: la baja va a ser de 65 grados . El efecto es el día va a ser de 82 grados . Hay un 80% de posibilidades de tener lluvia. Será nublado todo el día

El clima es muy agradable. La temperatura promedio es de 71.6 grados o 22 grados Celsius
Cada mes hay una temperatura media mensual diferente. Se irá hacia arriba o abajo 5.4 grados o 3 Celsius. La precipitación total anual es de unos 36 centímetros . Hay sólo 2.688 horas de sol al año o 112 días.