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Case study 1

Published on Jul 11, 2016

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Photo by hipponotized

Have you ever heard Roma or Gypsies?

Photo by GIORGIO 1972


  • nomadic people
  • includes some ethnic groups
Photo by CharlesFred


  • historical origins are in India
  • genocide by Nazis
  • →25% of them were killed


  • = Irish Travellers (Pavees)
  • own language and culture
  • most discriminated-against
Photo by Anackire

ex.1) Roma gipsy man

  • from Czech
  • speak 5 languages
  • factory jobs→security officer and bilingual assistant
Photo by Leo Reynolds

ex.2) Gypsy circus

  • participated in the World Expo
  • France started to crack down Roma and gypsy
  • forced to close down
Photo by hbp_pix

They are represented as evil

in the many films.
Photo by Fouquier ॐ

Why do people hate them?

Photo by Werner Kunz

The reason why is

  • different culture
  • not Cristian
  • not Caucasoid
  • not cooperate with local people
Photo by Nick Kenrick.

It has started to change

Photo by AhmadHammoud