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Cash for grades

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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CAsh for grades

Photo by aresauburn™

Cash for grades can be a good thing.


  • It motivates a majority of the participants
  • Higher percentage scoring 1100 on SAT.

Counter Claims

  • Not learning for the sake of learning
  • Rewarding students will stop them from improving themselves.
  • Cash may be used for drugs and etc...


  • The cash may be helpful but it detracts from the act of learning
  • Improvements have been seen but long term effects are unknown
Photo by diffendale

Mathews, Jay. "Maybe It's Time to Consider Offering Students Money for Good Grades." Washington Post. 31 Mar. 2014: B.2. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 30 May. 2014.

Fleisher, Lisa. "'Good Behavior' Still Pays Off." Wall Street Journal. 25 Sep. 2013: A.19. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 30 May. 2014.

Mathews, Jay. "Fretting Over Cash Incentives for Students." Washington Post. 13 Dec. 2012: B.2. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 30 May. 2014.

Chandler, Michael Alison. "Telling Kids They're Great Isn't So Good, Schools Find." Washington Post. 16 Jan. 2012: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 30 May. 2014.