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Cassiopeia Constellation

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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  • Cassiopeia is the leftover of a huge star that blew up about 300 years ago.
  • The biggest star in Cassiopeia is Alpha Cassiopeiae (Schedar).
  • Cassiopeia has 53 stars.
  • Cassiopeia is found in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • On August 27, 1999, Cassiopeia exploded

The Myth
Cassiopeia was a queen of Ethiopia with her husband King Cepheus. They had a daughter named Andromeda. When Cassiopeia told her daughter that she was the prettiest of them all. All the other princesses told Poseidon, the sea God to kill Cassiopeia and Andromeda. Poseidon called Cetus, the whale to kill Cassiopeia. Instead of Cassiopeia, The Sea God chained Andromeda to a rock so she would not escape. One when Cetus came he almost ate Andromeda, but Persues saved her life, and later became her future husband. But that's not all, The Sea God and his brother Zeus thought that Cassiopeia should be sent into the sky as a constellation upside down as her punishment and will suffer the terrible position of being upside down in the sky during the fall of the year when her constellation is best seen.

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