When building the castles they would start out as far as the land let them go, then they would build in to the center. The did this so they could have multiple lines of defense so an attacking army was always facing new challenges. The defenses were, the castle was built on a hill, the moat, the outer wall, the inner wall, and the the castle keep were the people lived.
The most important people living in the castles were the Lord, the Lady, and the bishop. Then the was the Atillators who made crossbows, Butlers who were in charge of wine and beer, Castilians who were in charge of the castle, Chaplains who gave spiritual welfare, supervised building operations, was the clerk, kept accounts, and tended the chapel. Then there was the Cook who roasted, broiled and baked food, Knights who were professional soldiers, and Messengers who were servants of the lord that carried receipts, letters and commodities. That's who lived in the castle.
Castle life was busy and loud because hundreds of people could be living in it at once, depending on the lords status. Life really revolved around the lords requirements. There was a lot of traveling so life included packing, moving and unpacking.