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Catholic Reformation

Published on Nov 21, 2015

Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation and the Commercial Revolution


Catholic Reformation

The Catholics Strike Back!
Photo by stlyouth

Renaissance Popes

  • One of the reasons people were upset
  • Focused on their own power
  • Built opulent structures (St. Peter's)
  • Enhanced power of their families
Photo by tj.blackwell

Reformer Popes

  • Pope Paul III (1534-1549)
  • Appointed reform-minded officials
  • Strict moral codes
  • New religious orders
Photo by lisby1

Council of Trent

  • Reaffirmed traditional Catholic doctrine
  • Reformed Church abuses (indulgences)
  • Reasserted traditional practices
  • Resisted limiting papal authority
Photo by antmoose

Jesuits "The society of Jesus"

  • Founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1540
  • "Teaching friars"- founded schools
  • Missionaries- esp. Americas and Asia
  • Combated Protestantism
  • Pope Francis I is a Jesuit!

Commercial Revolution

Photo by woody1778a


  • New ocean trade routes
  • Growth of pop.- more demand
  • Price revolution- inflation
  • Nation-centered economic system
Photo by Tim Moffatt

New Entrepreneurs

  • Expansion created larger markets/opportunities
  • Merchants and bankers overtake town-and-guilds
  • Ex.- Medici Family in Italy and German Fuggers

New Industry

  • Printing press- books
  • New ocean routes- ships
  • Nation-states: cannons/muskets
Photo by tölvakonu

New "putting-out" system

  • Yes, that's really what it's called
  • Got rid of guilds (too strict)
  • Entr. provided materials to rural families
  • Putting-out led to increased prod. of cloth/man. goods
Photo by romanboed

Joint-Stock Co.

  • Int'l trade required capital (moolah)
  • Engl. and Dutch formed JSC to limit risk and increase profit
  • Investors bought stock- owners lost if failed, profit if successful
Photo by b316728


  • Adopted by rulers in nation-states
  • Wanted strong, self-sufficient economies
  • Colonies should export raw materials/import finished goods
  • Result- more reserves of gold and silver and balance of trade
Photo by henrikj

Decline of commercial centers

  • No more Hanseatic League
  • Portuguese became more important
  • Venetians no more!
Photo by AbhijeetRane

Rise of capitalism

  • Economic system in which capital is invested to produce more
  • Based on private ownership of property
  • Motivated to earn profits
  • Age of Discovery creates environment which fosters capitalism
Photo by c@rljones


  • New expanded merchant class=middle class
  • More opportunities for entrepreneurs= more bourgeoisie