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Catholic Revival

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The council of Trent

  • Began in 1545
  • Trento, italy
  • Convoked by pope paul iii
  • Response to the protestant revolt
  • Ended in 1563
Photo by geerlingguy

The Process:
POPE PAUL III CALLED THE COUNCIL TOGETHER, BECAUSE HE SAW That the catholic faith was being threatened by Martin Luther, and his radical ideas. Luther was calling the church corrupt, and forced many people to leave. The topic of the council would switch between theology and reformation plans. Some of the bishops invited actually agreed with Luther, while others didn't. In all it took 16 meetings, and 8 years for the council to come to a close.

Photo by nerosunero

Major Issues:
One of the main issues the church had to fight, was to protect their image, and to address the problems of corrupt priests and bishops, as well as indulgences. Another major issue was the Protestants view on faith and grace. The Protestants thought salvation could be attained with just faith only, and the grace was not needed. The council rejected that thought. The council also clarified many other points, as over half of luther's 95 theses were declared heresy by the pope, and therefore debated at the council.

Photo by VinothChandar

Important results:
1.The church's interpretation of the Bible was final. Any Christian who did not agree with the interpretation was a heretic. Also, the Bible and Church Tradition had equal authority.
2.The relationship of faith and works in salvation was defined, following disagreements over Martin Luther's doctrine of "justification by faith alone".
3.Catholic practices such as Indulgences, pilgrimages, the veneration of saints and relics, and the veneration of the Virgin Mary were strongly reaffirmed.

Photo by marcp_dmoz


  • Pope paul iii- convoked the council
  • Pope julius iii- oversaw 4 sessions
  • Pope pius iv- oversaw 9 sessions