DID YOU KNOW? : A cat is a big or small furry, carnivorous mammal that is usually an outdoor or inside pet.Sometimes they can be a wild cat or a stray.They can have a big fur coat with many different colors on their body,with big or small eyes and they also have a very long tail.Cats are endothermic vertebrates which means they can produce their own internal body heat.A lifespan for a cat is about 15yrs.
Circulatory System : The circulatory system in a cat is responsible for circulating blood throughout the cats body. The functions of it are it transports oxygen,substances,hormones and chemicals to the tissues and organs for normal body function. It gets rid of waste products not needed and carbon dioxide.The circulatory system also helps regulate a healthy body temperature. Cats have a closed circulatory system.
HEART : A cats heart is responsible for pumping blood to different parts of the cat's body, helping organs and muscles function properly and healthy. The heart of a cat beats 140-220 times per minute. Just like humans, cats have a 4 chambered heart.
Cats obtain food in many different ways. Cats are carnivores.A outside cat or a stray may obtain food by hunting and catching prey such as mice. Inside cats only might obtain food by certain brands of food made for cats such as cat food. The breathing process for a cat is simply their respiratory system which involves the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide. When the cat takes in the oxygen in the air from its nose it then releases out the carbon dioxide.
Nervous System :The nervous system in cats includes the brain,spinal cord,and several different kinds of nerves found throughout the body in a cat. The brain, spinal cord and all the nerves that communicate between the cat tissues make up the cat nervous system. A healthy diet and exercise can help keep the cat nervous system functioning properly.
Senses :Cats have excellent vision especially at night. :Have fantastic hearing, they can hear miles away. :They have a acute sense of smell. :Cats have few taste buds then humans.
Caring for their young :If you think cats don't care for their young then you are wrong. Cat are one of the number one mammals that care for their young. Cats care for their babies by feeding them by nursing. Also they groom them on their fur and body by licking them.Cats also always make sure their babies are well protected in their care.
There are three types of mammals. :Placentals- develops inside mother's body until it's body system can function alone. :Marsupials- born in the early stages of development, then usually continue developing in mother's pouch. :Monotremes- egg laying mammals All cats are placentals.
Why? : I chose this specific mammal because I have a cat and I thought it would be interesting to learn more about it on various topics. This mammal is special because it can be a healthy companion and it is a very intelligent mammal.