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Cause Of The Cilvil War

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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What: north of the Ohio River was guaranteed basic rights for settles and banned slavery there.

How/what : the north was fine about it but the south didn't want slavey to be banned. The south didn't had congress on their side while the north did.

What: north of the Ohio River was guaranteed basic rights for settles and banned slavery there.

How/what : the north was fine about it but the south didn't want slavey to be banned. The south didn't had congress on their side while the north did.

What: Maine was a free state and Missouri a slave state. It also gave slaves owners the right to get slave that escape and return them back.

How/why: it pleased more the south then the north. The south had the power to go over free states to get runaway slaves. The north couldn't do anything about it.

What: Maine was a free state and Missouri a slave state. It also gave slaves owners the right to get slave that escape and return them back.

How/why: it pleased more the south then the north. The south had the power to go over free states to get runaway slaves. The north couldn't do anything about it.

TEXAS ANNEXATION (February 1845)
What: Texas was still not added, democratic candidate, James k. Polk, called for the annexation of Texas and Oregon. Tyler asked congress to annex Texas Before Polk took office.

How/why: the president was a democrat and democrats are mostly in the south so he was in their side, the north didn't like it. The south had the president in their side and the north didn't.

What: Texas was still not added, democratic candidate, James k. Polk, called for the annexation of Texas and Oregon. Tyler asked congress to annex Texas Before Polk took office.

How/why: the president was a democrat and democrats are mostly in the south so he was in their side, the north didn't like it. The south had the president in their side and the north didn't.

Mexican Americans war (May 1845)
What: Polk offered money to Mexico from exchange of their some of their land. Mexico didn't what to cede more land to the untied states. Polk hope to provoke Mexico so that he could declare war. He wanted more land.

How/why: the south and western wanted more land and the north didn't like that Polk provoked the war. The south had power. The north didn't.

What: Polk offered money to Mexico from exchange of their some of their land. Mexico didn't what to cede more land to the untied states. Polk hope to provoke Mexico so that he could declare war. He wanted more land.

How/why: the south and western wanted more land and the north didn't like that Polk provoked the war. The south had power. The north didn't.

What: David Wilmot proposed that congress band slavery in all new territory. His proposal didn't become a law.

How/why: the south didn't like the idea of banding slavery and it was a good idea for the south. The south saw it as a attack on slavery by the north, north wasn't really involve in it.

What: David Wilmot proposed that congress band slavery in all new territory. His proposal didn't become a law.

How/why: the south didn't like the idea of banding slavery and it was a good idea for the south. The south saw it as a attack on slavery by the north, north wasn't really involve in it.

What: many Whigs and democrats wanted a stronger stand against the spread of slavery. They formed a party called the free soil party. They wanted to banned slavery in the new territory.

How/why: it wasn't in favor to the south and it was in favor of the south. The north had parties to end slavery . The south didn't had much voce to stand up.

What: many Whigs and democrats wanted a stronger stand against the spread of slavery. They formed a party called the free soil party. They wanted to banned slavery in the new territory.

How/why: it wasn't in favor to the south and it was in favor of the south. The north had parties to end slavery . The south didn't had much voce to stand up.

What: Congress passed five bill base on clays proposals. President Taylor opposed the laws. Then president Fillmore supported the laws and he sign it so it became a law. It was in pleased the south and the north.

How/why: the compromise pleased more the south. The north didn't had to do much in the compromise, the south got a new fugitive slave law.

What: Congress passed five bill base on clays proposals. President Taylor opposed the laws. Then president Fillmore supported the laws and he sign it so it became a law. It was in pleased the south and the north.

How/why: the compromise pleased more the south. The north didn't had to do much in the compromise, the south got a new fugitive slave law.

Fugitive slave law( September 1850)
What: it allowed special government officials to arrest any person accused of being a runaway slave.

How/why: it favor the south, the north didn't like it. The south had a law that gave them power to accused people for helping a slave escape. The north hated the law.

What: it allowed special government officials to arrest any person accused of being a runaway slave.

How/why: it favor the south, the north didn't like it. The south had a law that gave them power to accused people for helping a slave escape. The north hated the law.

What: senator Stephen Douglas proposed to the southern state that slavery in the new territories be decided by popular sovereignty.

How/why: the northern weren't favor of slavery and it undid the Missouri compromise. The north believe that Douglass betrayed them . The south was getting a good deal.

What: senator Stephen Douglas proposed to the southern state that slavery in the new territories be decided by popular sovereignty.

How/why: the northern weren't favor of slavery and it undid the Missouri compromise. The north believe that Douglass betrayed them . The south was getting a good deal.

What: the whig party split apart, the northern Whig people join a new political party. The Republican Party goal was to stop the spread of slavery into the west territory

How/why: mostly northern states wanted to stop slavery but the southern states didn't like that. The southern weren't happy that the republicans was a powerful force in politics. The northern did everything to stop new territory becoming slavery.

What: the whig party split apart, the northern Whig people join a new political party. The Republican Party goal was to stop the spread of slavery into the west territory

How/why: mostly northern states wanted to stop slavery but the southern states didn't like that. The southern weren't happy that the republicans was a powerful force in politics. The northern did everything to stop new territory becoming slavery.

What: after the Kansas Nebraska act got past, the white citizens had to Decide if it was free or slave territory. 39 legislators elected, only 3 did not supported slavery. The antislavery didn't accept the results and held a second election.

How/why: antislavery didn't want the territory to be slavery and the proslavery wanted slavery. As a result of the territory to be slavery the south were getting more land that had slavery and the north didn't like that.

What: after the Kansas Nebraska act got past, the white citizens had to Decide if it was free or slave territory. 39 legislators elected, only 3 did not supported slavery. The antislavery didn't accept the results and held a second election.

How/why: antislavery didn't want the territory to be slavery and the proslavery wanted slavery. As a result of the territory to be slavery the south were getting more land that had slavery and the north didn't like that.

What: dred Scott was a slave owned by a u.s army doctor. Scott sued for his freedom. He declared that he was free because he lived in places where slavery was illegal.

How/why: the court decided that he wasn't free man because he wasn't a citizen the north disagree. The court was saying that slaves were property and that even if he was in free states he was still a slave. So south could have slaves everywhere. The north didn't like it.

What: dred Scott was a slave owned by a u.s army doctor. Scott sued for his freedom. He declared that he was free because he lived in places where slavery was illegal.

How/why: the court decided that he wasn't free man because he wasn't a citizen the north disagree. The court was saying that slaves were property and that even if he was in free states he was still a slave. So south could have slaves everywhere. The north didn't like it.

What: the republican chose Abraham Lincoln as their president candidate, northern democrats chose Stephen Douglass , southern democrats chose John Breckinridge, some south and north (constitutional union party) chose John bell. Lincoln won by 59 percent of electoral votes.

How/why: Lincoln was a republican and southern states didn't wanted him to be the president. The northern states (republican) had Lincoln who was a the president. The south were mad that Lincoln won because they wouldn't be in power.

What: the republican chose Abraham Lincoln as their president candidate, northern democrats chose Stephen Douglass , southern democrats chose John Breckinridge, some south and north (constitutional union party) chose John bell. Lincoln won by 59 percent of electoral votes.

How/why: Lincoln was a republican and southern states didn't wanted him to be the president. The northern states (republican) had Lincoln who was a the president. The south were mad that Lincoln won because they wouldn't be in power.


What: when the news about Lincoln as president reach South Carolina, legislature called for a special convention. They passed a declaration that they were no longer part of the unites states of America.

How/why: the north won't happy that they secede from the union. The south wasn't a part of the union so they could have slaves. The north couldn't do anything to stop it.