During the first day in which the egg sat in vinegar, the molecules moved from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration. The molecules bump around and eventually spread out evenly. Some vinegar entered the egg, and this is why the texture of the egg is not normal. During day one, diffusion occurred. Diffusion is a form of passive transport.
During day two, similar events occurred as day one. Water entered the egg as the molecules bumped into each other to spread out evenly. However, this day is different from day one because during this day, osmosis occurred. On day one, diffusion occurred. The difference between osmosis and diffusion is that in diffusion, molecules in general move out evenly, in osmosis, specifically water molecules move through selectively permeable membranes.
Osmosis is a form of diffusion, though. Osmosis is also a form of passive transport.
In day three the opposite happened as from day two. Instead of water entering through the selectively permeable, water exited through it. During the process that occurred during day three, water exited the egg. Because there were no other substances in the cup, water was able to exit the egg and then evaporate. You can tell that water has evaporated because of the texture of the egg. In the chart, the leg is described as dehydrate and deflated. This is because most of the water is gone. During day three, the opposite of osmosis occurred.