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Cell Mitosis

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Cell Mitosis

A Presentation by: Isabelle Dubon

Parent Cell

  • Original cell 
  • needs another cell for meiosis to occur
  • The cell is a source from which all other cells are made


  • The parent cell prepares for cell division
  • Stage between cell division and replication
  • There are 2 pairs of centrioles in the cell now, helping the cell prepare
  • AKA "resting" stage
  • The end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle


  • Chromosomes are visible
  • The centrosomes are now seperating
  • Two copies of each chromosome are now in the cell(sister chromatids)
  • The chromosomes are being condensed together


  • The nuclear envelope breaks down into small organelles called vesicles
  • The centromeres on chromosomes become fully matured
  • Now the  mature chromatids can connect to the microtubules
  • The microtubules begin to force the sister chromatids to move
  • The nuclear material can now separate to form two daughter cells


  • The centrosomes are on the opposite poles of the cell
  • The chromosomes are now extremely condensed and coiled
  • Each sister chromatid is now attached to the microtubules they face
  • The sister chromatids have now been successfully pulled to the cell center
  • Now the cell is prepared to begin separation


  • The microtubules are bringing the sister chromatids to separate poles
  • The cell is beginning to stretch so that it can eventually separate into 2 


  • The DNA and genetic material have duplicated
  • A nuclear membrane has developed around both sets of DNA
  • The cytoplasm is dividing causing the cell to stretch even further
  • The chromosomes begin to uncoil

Daughter Cells

  • The cycle has now ended and will repeat soon after this.
  • One cell has now become two identical cells

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