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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Photo by Dazzie D

Cell wall is like the wall on a building

It keeps everything stand and stay straight.
Photo by mugley

Cell membrane is like the doors of a building.

They let things in and out.
Photo by kevin dooley

The cytoplasm is like the inside the building


Mitochondrion is like the main electricity current of a building

It powers the cell like electricity powers a building
Photo by kevin dooley

Nucleus is like the main office of the building

It has people with all the information in them like a cell has nucleus with DNA.

DNA is like the people indie the office of the building

They know all the instructions about what's going to happen beforehand.
Photo by ProLithic 3D

Vacuoles are like storage rooms in buildings

It stores thing in a cell like a storage room.
Photo by euthman

Golgi is like the mail room in a building

It packages and distributes things.
Photo by slworking2

ER is like the hallways of a building

Hallways transport people around like the ER transports material.
Photo by ShutterRunner

Chloroplasts are like the cooks In a building

They make food like the chloroplasts do photosynthesis.
Photo by Rachid Lamzah

Lysosomes are like the garbage man of the building.

The throw away or break down things the cell doesn't need.
Photo by dying regime


Thank you for watching!!!
Photo by ecstaticist