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CELLS EQ: How did the discovery of cells change the way people look at living organisms?

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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EQ: How did the discovery of cells change the way people look at living organisms?

Photo by TheJCB

Cells are membrane covered structures that contain all the materials necessary for life.

Photo by jumpingspider

Robert Hooke (1665) built an early microscope.

Photo by ouhos

He looked at thin slices of cork and saw what looked like tiny boxes or monk's CELLS.

Photo by ouhos

Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1673) looked at pond scum and saw tiny "animalcules"

Photo by Yersinia

He also discovered that yeasts used to make bread were unicellular organisms.

Photo by Emily Barney

Years of observation and discovery led a group of scientists to develop

Photo by dave.see

1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells.

2. The cell is the basic unit of life in all living things.

Photo by kaibara87

3. All cells come from existing cells

Photo by yundaga

All cells have certain things in common.

Photo by gumtau

Cell membrane- acts as a barrier to keep the insides in.

DNA- instructions for living and making new cells.

Photo by M Pinarci

Organelle- tiny "organs" that allow the cell to live and grow

Cytoplasm- fluid in a cell surrounding the organelle

Almost all cells are too small to see with the naked eye.

Photo by Kraftwerck

A cell's surface area to volume ratio limits growth.

Photo by angela7dreams

A cell interacts through its surface- gets food, gets rid of waste. When a cell gets too big for their surface area they have to divide.

Photo by Bert Kaufmann

multicellular benefits

  • You can grow by adding more cells.
  • You can have specialized cells
  • You can see with eyes, hear with ears, run with legs, fly with wings, etc...

prokaryotic cells

  • primitive
  • no nucleus
  • no membrane covered organelle
  • circular DNA
  • Bacteria
Photo by NIAID

Eukaryotic cells

  • more complex
  • have a nucleus
  • have membrane covered organelle
  • Linear DNA
  • All other organisms