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Celtic Mythology

Published on Dec 17, 2015

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Banshee - "Women of the barrows", is a female spirit in Irish mythology, usually seen as an omen of death and a messenger from another world.

Barghest - A monstrous black dog with huge teeth and claws, though in other cases the name can refer to a ghost.

Leprechaun - It relates to a mystical type of fairy who is originally linked to the Tuatha De Danann of Irish mythology.

Selicie - They are said to live as seals in the sea but then shed their skin to become human on land.

Salmon of knowledge - is a creature figuring in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology. It can be identified with Fintan mac Bóchra or more commonly know as "The Wise".

Pooka - A phantom fairy creature that features in Celtic folklore and fairy tales of Ireland.

Donn Cupilnge - An extremely fertile stud bull. Transforming into various animal and human forms, ultimately becoming two worms which were swallowed by two cows and reborn as two bulls

Finnnbhennach - "Love talker", a male fairy in Irish mythology that is known for seducing human women.

Denns Due - The name came from Dionysus, which is sometimes said to be derived from the Greek Dios, where the young god was raised.

Dullahan - A headless rider, usually on a black horse, carrying their own head under one arm. The head's eyes are small, black, and constantly dart about like flies, while the mouth is constantly in a hideous grin that touches both sides of the head.


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