What is Censorship?
It is the control of the information and ideas circulated within a society. In the 20th Century, censorship was achieved through the examination of books, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other forms of communication for the purpose of altering or suppressing ideas found to be objectionable or offensive.
- Can protect children from pornography
- Protects the privacy of people
- Limits the amount of violence that is broadcasted
CONS: Art Censorship
Now that art is being censored, artists in our present day, feel as if they have no freedom to create what they want anymore.
They are starting to worry about the pieces they are creating. Whether it's too inappropriate, religious, offensive, or maybe even too creative with different colors.
Cons: Newspaper Editors
"Since September 11,2001, newspaper editors have faced excruciating choices in covering the governments efforts to protect the country from terrorists agents. Each of us have, on a number of occasions, withheld information because we were convinced that publishing it could put lives at risk. On the other occasions, each of us have decided to publish classified information over strong objections from our government" Dean Baquet, a former editor of the Los Angeles Times and current Washington Bureau chief and assistant manager of the New York Times(33)
Cons: Internet Filters
Internet filters are not good enough to protect children from online pornography, predators, and harassment.
They can also block useful information or fail to block harmful content
When a patron encounters a blocked site, he or she needs to ask a librarian to unblock it every time they come across a useful site that is blocked
Cons: student safety online
Nancy Willard, director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use, argues that Web Filters actually can threaten, not protect, students security.
An example is when Nancy Willard said this"Say there's a report of material that is poser on MySpace that relates to student safety or well-being, and that information is reported to a counselor," she explains the councils needs to immediately get pas the filter to review the maters. Otherwise you have the potential for violence or the suicide. Many schools, the ability to rapidly override the filter has not been established, which is jeopardizing student safety.
Cons: Student Safety
In our opinion, if a student is having issues online from harassment, cyber bullying, or worse, a teacher or supervisor needs to be able to get past a school filter to be able to see what's going on. If there is a filter censoring what can be seen online then there is no way for the teacher to be able to help the student. If most schools cant get past the censored filter, then there is a possible bad outcome for the student.
Cons: Supreme Court
-The Supreme Court has interpreted the First Amendment's protection of artistic expression very broadly
-It extends not only to books, theatrical works and paintings, but also to posters, television, music videos and comic books
The first fundamental is "content neutrality"
- The government cannot limit expression just because any listener, or even the majority of a community, is offended by its content.
-In the context of art and entertainment, this means tolerating some works that we might find offensive, insulting, outrageous, or just plain bad.
Even though there are two fundamentals involved in making a decision involving freedom of speech in a case, both fundamentals are pointing to the fact that censorship is bad and each thing can't be prevented because of censorship. Either way things are going to happen
Cons: Experts
"Television and Growing Up: The Impact of Televised Violence," which concluded, "The effect [of television] is small compared with many other possible causes, such as parental attitudes or knowledge of and experience with the real violence of our society." Twenty-one years later, the American Psychological Association published its 1993 report, "Violence & Youth," and concluded, "The greatest predictor of future violent behavior is a previous history of violence." In 1995, the Center for Communication Policy at UCLA, which monitors TV violence, came to a similar conclusion in its yearly report: "It is known that television does not have a simple, direct stimulus-response effect on its audiences."
-This just proves that even if we censor television, children and adults will still be violent.
-A child is violent because of what he or she is acquiring from his or her surroundings.
--The surroundings meaning parents or other people
Cons: the studies
-Studies on the relationship between media violence and real violence are the subject of considerable debate.
-Children have been shown TV programs with violent episodes in a laboratory setting and then tested for "aggressive" behavior.
-Some of these studies suggest that watching TV violence may temporarily induce "object aggression" in some children (such as popping balloons or hitting dolls or playing sports more aggressively) but not actual criminal violence against another person.
Cons: the studies
-CORRELATIONAL STUDIES that seek to explain why some aggressive people have a history of watching a lot of violent TV suffer from the chicken-and-egg dilemma:
-Does violent TV cause such people to behave aggressively, or do aggressive people simply prefer more violent entertainment?
-There is no definitive answer. But all scientists agree that statistical correlations between two phenomena do not mean that one causes the other.
-Japanese TV and movies are famous for their extreme, graphic violence.
-But Japan has a very low crime rate -- much lower than many societies in which television watching is relatively rare.
-What the sudies reveal on the issue of fictional violence and real world aggression is -- not much.
Governments around the world are trying to censor more online content than ever, according to Google's latest transparency report on government takedown requests.
When compared to its last report, Google received 68% more requests to remove content in the first half of 2013. In total, the company received 3,846 requests to remove 24,737 pieces of content, but the company only accepted one-third of those requests.
- In the U.S., removal requests increased 70%
-Federal government agency asked Google to remove 89 Google Play apps claiming they infringed its trademarks
Google doesn't reveal anything else about this incident apart from disclosing that it removed 76 of those apps.
Google recently reported that, in the last three years, government requests for user data have doubled as well.
Twitter announced on February1st that it will reserve the right to "reactively withhold" tweets on a country-to-country basis.
"As we continue to grow internationally, we will enter countries that have different ideas about the contours of freedom of expression," declared the official Twitter blog.
An organization called Demand Progress asked Twitter users to sign a petition against the new policies.
The DP Anonymous rallied users in a Day of Silence tomorrow in protest of the new censorship policy.
Even Orhan
" Twitter is taking away are freedom of speech, they have no business in censoring and changing are words against us"
The inclusion of Censorship displays or reinforces that current literature is directly linked to modern culture. This issue was manifested when Lowry used or addressed the communities limits in this way.
The community in the giver is saying that the little girls' hair ribbons have to be neat which is censoring their ability to be different. The community is also saying that the ribbons MUST be nest which means that the community is also censoring their freedom to make a decision about how they want to look. This community is also censoring and controlling the age limit of when little girl should stop wearing the hair ribbons. If a girl wanted to wear the hair ribbon up to ten or eleven years old the community would take that away from her in a heartbeat.
Baldwin, Robert "What Is Censorship." American Civil Liberties Union. ALCU, n.d. 30 Aug 2006 27 Feb. 2014. .
Hamilton, Seam "Censorship in America." Creative Common Attribution . 20 Aug 2013 24 Feb. 2014. .
Rinisland, Andrew. "Internet Censorship listed: how does each country compare." © 2014 Guardian News and Media Limited, n.d.
Web. 16 April 2012 21 Feb. 2014. apr/16/internet-censorship-country-list>.
Barbour, Scott, ed. Censorship. New York: Greenhaven, n.d. Print.
Winerip, Michael. "School District Told to Replace Web Filter Blocking Pro-Gay
Sites." Pro Quest Sirs. New York City: New York Times, n.d. . Web 8 Jan 2. 6
Mar. 2014.
Forsyth, Scott. "Censorship Is Not the Solution to Violence." Pro Quest.
Parsippany, New Jersey, 8 Jan 2013. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.
Winerip, Michael. "School District Told to Replace Web Filter Blocking Pro-Gay
Sites." Pro Quest Sirs. New York City: New York Times, n.d. . Web 8 Jan 2. 6
Mar. 2014.
Forsyth, Scott. "Censorship Is Not the Solution to Violence." Pro Quest.
Parsippany, New Jersey, 8 Jan 2013. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.