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Ch. Review-Chapter 16 Religion

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Assyrians lead the people of Judah and treated the badly. They doubted God's power, but God sent the prophet Isaiah to lead the people of Judah back to God and tried to connected their relationship with God once agin.

Isaiah's message that he told Hezekiah was Jerusalem wouldn't be harmed or destroyed, but the people of Jerusalem had to follow God's will.

Photo by digitalnoise

Micha was another prophet who preached in Judah. His messages are in the Old Testament.

In 609 B.C. Judah had to pledge it's loyalty to Egypt.

587 B.C. The king of Babylon invaided Judah a THIRD time.

When the people heard Jeremiah's FRIGHTENING/THREATENING prophesy they charged him with blasphemy.

King Hezikiah brought back the old ways if the church and removed the false idols and practiced believing in one true God.

The book of the bible, Baruch is similar to the book of Jeremiah because they both stress the importance in trusting God.

Jeremiah warned his people if they did not follow the rules of the covenant that they would be CONSEQUENCES .

Jeremiah was unsure of God's call like we might be, but we can serve God by many ways like: matrimony, priest, deacon, single life, and much more. These are called VOCATIONS.