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Ch.5 The Huang He Valley

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Ch.5 The Huang He Valley

Colby Bailey


A fin yellow soil that is carried by wind
Photo by kattebelletje


A widespread lack of food resulting in hunger.
Photo by adarsh_antony

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Mountain pass with step rocky sides.


A dry grassy treeless plain.

Tibetan Plateau

A high mountain plan in Asia
Photo by grand Yann

North China Plain

A large lowland region of eastern China
Photo by David Hulme

Huang he

A river that flows from Tibetan Plateau

Chang Jiang

The largest river in China
Photo by avlxyz


A line of rulers who belong to the same family
Photo by Xuan Che

oracle bones

In ancient China the use animals to predict the future

Mandate of Heaven

The belief that the China's emporer's right to rule the gods.

Warring States period

The period between 475 bc and 221 bc after the Zhou Empire


Chinese Philosopher who stressed the need to respect tradition
Photo by DanForys

Lao Zi

Chinese Pilosopher and founder of Taoism.
Photo by kafka4prez


Is the supreme ruler of an empire.


A division of land within an empire or country.
Photo by byb64


A philosophy of strict government in China in the 200sB.C.
Photo by Miller_Center


emperor who unified China and founded the qindyasty

Great Wall of china

A long defensive wall
Photo by aftab.


In china a system 

Silk Road

An ancient network of everland.
Photo by Jorge Lascar

Dynastic Cycle

Ruling dynasty lose the approval of the god's.