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Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Photo by Connor Tarter

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"With darkness blanketing the hill,walking home would be a lonely journey, especially in the forest," (Davis 77). Before this scene, Jason, the governor's bodyguard, had become the brunt of the jokes for the nobles because of his peasant status. This description gives the reader the feeling of sadness and depression to go along with Mesolantrum's idea of segregation between classes.
Photo by Ian Muttoo

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"At the foot of the hill, the fog completely shrouded Jason's two story school...Perhaps the quick change portended a late night storm," (Davis 20). Darkness is a theme in Mesolantrum, from the actions of the people that inhabit the land to the environment itself. The fog also gives a sense of foreboding or expectancy, demonstrated by the word "shrouded".
Photo by John-Morgan

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"A. Gray ceiling loomed overhead with a few stalactites just out of reach, each one dripping cloudy water at the rate of a slow heartbeat....Behind him, the river flowed swiftly past a sheer rock wall...He looked at the river, dark and foreboding..." (Davis 194).
Photo by V.H.S.

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Photo by Paul_Blakeman

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Photo by ryochiji