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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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By newton quach

definition of "challenges"

  • Definition: a call to take part in a contest or competition, especially a duel.

My Definition of challenge

  • Challenge is a opportunity or risk to achieve something that can be easy or hard to overcome.

Summary of mice and men

  • George and Lennie are two friends that are broke trying to find new jobs in farms during the period of depression at America. Jobs they have been through was lost because Lennie is mentally childish and have obsessions of feeling soft things but doesn't understand his true strength. They both share dreams of owning their own farm with animals and Lennie is obsessed having rabbits. They were luck finding a job at Soledad. A lot of foreshadowing occurs after this when Lennie accidentally kills a mice, puppy and Curley's wife. Candy's old stinky dog's death was one of them. After the events that happened Lennie panics and George confronted him and ends up killing him. Every person didn't understand why George was so upset except for Slim.

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  • They were luck finding a job at Soledad. A lot of foreshadowing occurs after this when Lennie accidentally kills a mice, puppy and Curley's wife. Candy's old stinky dog's death was one of them. After the events that happened Lennie panics and George confronted him and ends up killing him. Every person didn't understand why George was so upset except for Slim
Photo by R.H.Sumon™

Challenges faceD by characters

Photo by Andrew*


  • George shares a dream with Lennie of one day having a farm with animals. The dream became a reality when candy gave him a offer. George has to take care of Lennie because he is mentally disabled.
  • He doesn't overcome the challenge when things fall apart after the death of Curley's wife which led to the death of Lennie.


  • Crooks was considered coloured during the depression at America. Racism went towards him and he wasn't treated as a normal person. His name is Crooks because he has a Crooked back. He also experiences loneliness because he has no one to talk to. His challenge was to be treated like a normal person.
  • He didn't overcome the challenge but manages to humiliate and torture Lennie to get satisfaction.

Curley's wife

  • Curley's wife always had a dream to become a movie star but she didn't receive a letter and met Curley instead but doesn't like him. Curley didn't allow her to talk to other guys due to sexism.
  • She doesn't overcome her challenge because Lennie broke her neck by accident.


  • Candy was going through tough times because of ageism. He had a missing hand and was discriminated because of his age. He has low-self esteem because he thinks he is useless. He is experiencing loneliness after losing his dog even if it was useless. Candy gave an offer to Lennie and George because he assumes he was gonna get fired.
  • He doesn't overcome the challenge because of Lennie's death.

Techniques used

  • The text communicates and alert us with foreshadowing. Foreshadowing was used a lot in this text to reveal to us about the ending.
  • Throughout the text Steinbeck used foreshadowing which warns us about Lennie's upcoming death so George can put him out of his misery such as the foreshadowing of Candy's old stinky dog.
Photo by shell belle

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  • Steinbeck used symbolism to symbolize dreams. Dreams were never achieved in this novella since they were prevented from happening because they were in the time of the great depression.

Summary of boy overboard by Morris gleiztman

  • A boy named Jamal along with his sister Bibi lived in Afghanistan. Jamal enjoyed playing soccer, the laws in Afghanistan was extremely strict. One day Jamal was playing soccer with his friends when Bibi stepped on the mine. Jamal helped his sister and the mine was inactive. Due to the strict laws Jamal's family was in danger because the government was after them. So Jamal and his sister separated with their parents going on different boats. They were refugees trying to escape to start a new life. The boat ran out of water and food, people were sea sick. The boat was sinking then pirates came and plundered valuables and took them as hostages. The family ended up together but wasn't at the destination they expected.

How it is related to challenge?

  • Jamal and his family was wanted in their country so they had no choice but to escape to somewhere safer with less restricted laws.

Challenges face by characters

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  • He was challenged to escape from Afghanistan to travel to somewhere safe.
  • He didn't reach his destination but still ends up with his family.
Photo by Just Us 3


  • Bibi wasn't treated normally because woman have strict laws at Afghanistan. She wants to be treated normally and go somewhere where there is gender equality.
  • She does achieve it but somehow she were not at the destination intended.
Photo by danchitnis

Jamal's parents

  • They were trying to protect their kids in order to stay safe from the Afghan military.
  • The accomplished their goal but stills ends up in a refugee camp.

Techniques used in boy overboard

  • Throughout this book similes were used by Morris Gleizman to describe the characters.
  • Contrasts: Contrasts were used to compare Afghanistan with a developed country. Injustice and violence was compared with fair play and peace.
  • Metaphors were used to express the characters feelings to give readers a better understanding.
Photo by rekre89

The end

Photo by Enokson