- Why the change ?
- Authority?
- Appreciate & believe in it ?
- Knowledge , skills & attitude
All parties that will be responsible for using the pathway need to appreciate and believe in the reasons for the change .
Why ? Many reasons , pretty much all of the will feature one or more of the ingredients in QIPP
QIPP Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention
Ease of introduction of a change in clinical pathway will depend on what change is , the reasons for the change, and the impact on the individuals concerned .
What is the authority of the change ?
pre implementation checklist ;
evidence based ?
Impact assessed ? time , money , manpower available.
Are the skills or equiptment - do the participants already have them or is training required or does this require a the purchase of new kit.
culture ; hostile or friendly ?
Change fatigue ? is now the right time for this particular change ?
Is this going with the grain or against it ? Are there already a significant number of clinicians doing the activity ? how long have they been doing this for ?
Opportunity for feedback and discussion ?
Have all parties been made aware of the changes , does everyone understand their role ? or know where to go for help ?
Yardstick ? how will we know if the pathway is being adopted ? what metrics do we have ? how will we receive the results ? who will be responsible for collating the metrics ?
Do we need to consider dismantling part of a previous pathway , or modifying access to a particular service ? if so , what is the timetable like ?