The first colonies arrived in Australia at the docklands of Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle in the early 1800's. Hobart and port towns of South Australia were also significant arrival points.
In the years following the first arrivals of colonies Hobart became the main point for commercial shipping for maritime industries. Maritime industries provided equipment for travelling long distance across the sea.
In the mid 1800's port towns of the far north such as Brisbane Townsville and cairns developed small towns for easy arrival of colonies and trades. When Australia was first colonised trades were made with China and the pacific for cotton, oil, incense and spices
The majority of other goods were made and supplied by people sent to work in different areas of the country. Arrivals of Pacific Islanders and Chinese contributed greatly to the social and economic development of the places where they lived and worked.
Between 1830's and 1860's migrant ships arriving in Sydney with suspected contagious diseases were sent further north to off load passengers and crew where they would be placed in quarantine for approximately 40 days depending on the disease they had. After that time they were sent back to Sydney to start their new life in Australia
Australia has come a long way since then and is now the destination of choice for both vacation and living. It is home to some of the most livable cities in the world with many great sights to see