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Chap 6 Deel

The real one




The path you choose will affect all aspects of your life -your life outside your work as well as the work you do. You want to work to live, not live to work.


  • You need to understand yourself
  • You must accept your qualities
  • You want to base your decision on your passions,talents,and values

Now that we established that there are some key factors that go into choosing a career what are some ways to know if that job is truely right for you?

There are many ways to find out which career is right for you.You can categorize your interests,personality ,skills,and values or P*A*T*H into a career cluster

You can explore various career options through informal assessments such as informal interviww,job shawdowing activites,internships,and service learning prodjects

A lot of kids our age put off thinking about what they want to go into until college which can turn out to go against them if you choose early on you can work on your specialized skills for that career choice and foucus on your education you can select activities and classes that will help you prepare for your future success .

It will also give you time to explore other career paths.College is expensive and the amount of people paid for classes and got a degree for something they ended up hating is pretty common because they didn't give themselves enough exposure to that work area and ended up being unhappy with their life

It is a good idea to try out many jobs within your career cluster and make a plan to research training and possibilities for advancement in your career.Evaluating your career decision is important to make sure it meets your goals and expectations

It is important to think early and wisely about what career path you go through and using these tip will help you be sure that you are choosing the right job for you.