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Chapter 14

Published on Jul 11, 2017

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Chapter 14

The Civil War (1861 - 1865) 

Chapter 14.1

Battle Lines Are Drawn

Chapter 14.2

The Civil War

Chapter 14.3

Union Victory

Chapter 14.4

A New Normal

The War Begins

Lincoln's Presidency

Fort Sumter

Start of War - Northern Attack 

Use of Executive Power

Expanded Wartime Powers  - Habeas Corpus

Secession of the Upper South

 West Virginia - Response To Lincoln's Willingness To Use Troops

Keeping the Border States in the Union

Four Slave States Stay - Difference Maker

Wartime Advantages

Military - Economic - Political


Defense War - Seasoned Soldiers - Short Supply Lines - Population - Supplies


Industrial vs Agrarian - South Reliant on Outside Groups - South Goes Broke


Strong Central Government for Confederacy

The Confederate States of America

 Modeled After U.S. Constitution - 6 Year Presidency for Jefferson Davis

First Years of a Long War: 1861-1862

90 Day Enlistments

First Battle of Bull Run

Stonewall Jackson - Rebel Victory

Union Strategy

 Blockade - Control Mississippi - 500,000 Man Army

Peninsula Campaign

 Robert E. Lee's Victory


 Bloodiest Battle In American History - Union Victory

Monitor vs. Merrimac

 Ironclad Ships Duel For Five Hours

Grant in the West

Ulysses S. Grant

Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy

Cotton King is Unconvincing

Trent Affair

 Intercepted Confederate Diplomats On The Way To England

Confederate Raiders

Ships Purchased From England

Failure of Cotton Diplomacy

Egypt & India

The End of Slavery

 Reluctant Lincoln - Border States - Constitution

Emancipation Proclamation

Free Slaves in Confederate Territories


Moral Issue - Changes Nature of War - Rebellious Slaves

Thirteenth Amendment

End of Slavery

Freedmen in the War

Serve in Union Army

The Union Triumphs, 1863-1865

War of Attrition 

Turning Point

Vicksburg - Gettysburg - Gettysburg Address

Grant in Command

Competent Northern General

Sherman's March

Death Rattle For South - Total War

The Election of 1864

Lincoln Victory

The End of the War

Blockade - Sherman's March - Hunger

Surrender at Appomattox

Union Restored - Grant and Lee

Assassination of Lincoln

John Wilkes Booth - Sympathy Gone

Effects of the War on Civilian Life

Changes Life As We Know It

Civil Liberties

Increased Executive Power

The Draft

A New Tactic - Pay Your Way Out

Political Dominance of the North

South A Shell of Former Self - Democracy Renewed

Financing the War

Borrow Money - Tariffs - Income Tax - Paper Money

Modernizing Northern Society

Modern Industrial Society - War Profiteers

Social Change

Women At Work - End of Slavery