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Chapter 16

Published on Jul 11, 2017

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Chapter 16

The Rise of Industrial America 

Chapter 16.1

The Gilded Age

Chapter 16.2

Justifications of Wealth

Chapter 16.3

 Exploited Workers Resist

Chapter 16.4

Exploited Workers Resist

The Business of Railroads

Backbone of Industrial Nation - Shareholder Driven

Western Railroads

Fuels Expansion - Connects Nation

Federal Land Grants

Homestead Act - Corruption

Transcontinental Railroads

Union Pacific - Central Pacific - Chinese Immigrants

Competition and Consolidation

Monopolies Boom

Industrial Empires

2nd Industrial Revolution - Steel, Petroleum, Electricty

The Steel Industry

Henry Bessemer

Andrew Carnegie

Rags to Riches - Pittsburgh - Vertical Integration

U.S. Steel Corporation

Philanthropy - J.P. Morgan

Rockefeller and the Oil Industry

Standard Oil - 90% of Oil

Antitrust Movement

 Sherman Antitrust Act - No Muscle

Laissez-Faire Capitalism

Hands Off

Conservative Economic Theories

Free Market

Social Darwinism

Survival of the Fittest - Racial Evolution - Eugenics

Gospel of Wealth

Survival of the Richest - Duty to Seek Wealth


Telegraph - Telephone - Calculator

Edison and Westinghouse

The American Inventor - Tesla

Marketing Consumer Goods

 Department Stores - Mass-Produced Food

The Concentration of Wealth

10% Control 90% Wealth - Capitalism Unrestrained

Horatio Alger Myth

Rags to Riches - Bootstraps

The Expanding Middle Class

White Collar

Wage Earners

66% Hourly Workers - Supply Demand - Exploitation

Working Women

20% Women Work - 5% Married Women Work - Femenized Jobs

Labor Discontent

Alienation - Limited Agency

Industrial Warfare

 Lockouts - Blacklist - Yellow-Dog Contract - Guards & State Militia - Injunctions

Industrial Warfare

 Lockouts - Blacklist - Yellow-Dog Contract - Guards & State Militia - Injunctions

Great Railroad Strike of 1877

Violent Labor Revolt

Attempts to Organize National Unions

Typically Localized - 8 Hour Day - Weekend

National Labor Union

 All Labor - Women and Minorities

Knights of Labor

 Profit Sharing - End Child Labor - Abolish Monopolies

Haymarket Bombing

May Day Protest - Anarchists - Bombing

American Federation of Labor

Longest Lasting Union

Homestead Strike

Clay the Strikebreaker - Capitalists Fight Back

Pullman Strike

Cut Wages - Fire Employees - Capitalist Organization

Regional Differences

Northwest & Midwest - South

Economic Boom

 Raw Materials - Labor Supply - Capital - Inventions - Government Policies - Entrepreneurs

Eastern Trunk Lines

 Consolidation - Cornelius Vanderbilt

The Struggle of Organized Labor

 Capital vs. Labor

Strikebreaking In The 1890s

 Homestead Strike - Pullman Strike