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Chapter 17 Review

Published on Feb 13, 2016

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Chapter 17 Review

By Andre Leyva, Lorne Fishburn, Mia Hardman, Reina Lovato, Jordan Kvech

Chemical Reaction- A process that rearranges chemical bonds to create new substances

Reactants- the substances that are combined and changed in the chemical reaction

Products- the new substance that results from a chemical reaction

Chemical equation- an equation of chemical formulas that shows the exact numbers of atoms and compounds in a chemical reaction

Exothermic- a reaction is exothermic if it releases more energy than it uses

Photo by -andor-

Evidence of chemical change

  • Bubbles
  • Turns cloudy
  • Change in temperature
  • Color change
  • Turns into a precipitate
Photo by katerha


  • (s) substance is a solid
  • (l) substance is a liquid
  • (g) substances is a gas
  • (aq) substance is a solution (aquias)
Photo by siraf72

Difference in two reactions

  • Chemical Reaction is that outer electrons are involved, atoms are arranged into new molecules but it stays the same atom, and it uses very little energy
  • Nuclear Reaction is the nucleus is involved, atoms may change into another element, and alot of energy is involved
Photo by Heavybm


  • This means mass can be converted to energy when multiplied by the speed of light squared

Lisa Meitner

  • She was born Vienna, Austria on November 7, 1878.
  • She led the discovery of nuclear fission of uranium and thorium in 1938.
  • In 1917 she discovered a new element,Protactinium.
  • She died on October 27, 1968 in Cambidge England.
  • After her death she had an element named after her, Meinterium.

Balancing chemical equations

  • Count all your elements on both sides.
  • If they're equal, then you're good. If they're not, then you need to add coefficients to both sides until the equation is balanced.
Photo by Darren Cullen


  • What are the five characteristics of a chemical change?
  • When energy is a product of a chemical reaction, what type of chemical reaction occured?
  • How many carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms are in CH4 + 2O2 ---> CO2 H2O?
  • What type of reaction is the equation in number three?
  • What does the symbols in E=mc^2 mean?
  • When (plus energy) is on the reactant side it is what reaction?
  • What does the symbols (s), (l), (g), and (aq) mean?
Photo by cmlburnett


  • Bubbling, cloudiness, temperature, color and a precipitate.
  • Exothermic reaction.
  • C = 1, H = 4, O = 4
  • It is a combustion reaction
  • It means mass can be converted to energy when multiplied by the speed of light squared.
  • It is endothermic.
  • s= solid, l= Liquid, g=gas, aq= aquias or is a solution.
Photo by Horia Varlan

Balancing Equation Game!!!!

  • H2O2 --> H2 + O
  • CO2 --> C + O
  • O2He3 --> He3 + O2
  • LiB5 --> Li2 + B10
  • H2O + O --> H + O4

BALANCING Equations Con.

  • NaCl2 --> Na2 + Cl4
  • H2O4+ O10 --> H2O14
  • Al3O2 + H4 --> H2O + Al
  • Fe3 + H2 + O2 --> Fe + H2O
  • O2C6H12 --> O4 + C6 + H12


LiFeH12O24 --> Li2Fe2 + C6 + H12 + O24

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