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Chapter 2

Published on Apr 12, 2016

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Chapter 2

The First Civilizations
Photo by dalbera

The Sumerians

Mesopotamia • Tigris & Euphrates
Photo by mharrsch

Sumerian Government

City States • Kings

Sumerian Religion

Polytheistic • Flooding • ZIggurats
Photo by neekoh.fi

Sumerian Economy and Trade

Division of Labor • Crafts

Sumerian Social Structure

Nobles • Slaves
Photo by Biker Jun

Women in Sumer

Wealthy Women • Education • Arranged Marriages

Cultural and Scientific Contributions

Cuneiform • Number System • Epic of Gilgamesh

Sumerian Decline

Invaders • Lasting Legacy

The Babylonian Empire

Composite Bow • Empire
Photo by failing_angel

King Hammurabi

Code of Hammurabi • Eye for an Eye

Babylonian Society and Culture

Photo by udithawix

The Phoenicians

Photo by Anita363

The Hebrews

Abraham • Israel • Ten Commandments


One God • Offensive To Others

Division and Diaspora

Scattering •Identity Remains

The Geography of Africa

Sahara • Varied • Massive
Photo by angela7dreams

Ancient Egypt


Introduction of Agriculture and Pastoralism

Sumerian Diffusion • Watermelons •Desertifaction
Photo by Bert van Dijk

Transportation and Trade

Nile Flows North • Winds Blow South

Early Governments

King Menes

The Old Kingdom (2660-2160 B.C.E.)

Pharaoh • Theocracy
Photo by Larazoni

The Middle Kingdom (2040-1786 B.C.E.)

Thebes • Chariots

The New Kingdom (1570-1070 B.C.E.)

Akhenaton • Ramses • Hittites

Egyptian Society

Rigid • Hatshepsut • Cleopatra


Polytheistic • Mummification
Photo by vituh

Continuous Egyptian Culture

Land Conquers Conquerors
Photo by Swamibu

Egyptian Writing

Hieroglyphics • Papyrus • Book of the Dead
Photo by mckaysavage

Scientific Contributions

Pyramids • Number System • Anatomy

Nubia, Kush, and Axum

Peripheral Kingdoms
Photo by kairoinfo4u


Built Pyramids • Becomes Kush


Conquered Egypt • Deforestation • Replaced By Axum
Photo by zagordemores


First Christian Nation • Modern Day Ethiopia
Photo by A.Davey

Indus Valley Civilizations

Mohenjo-Daro •Sewage System
Photo by bennylin0724

Agriculture and the Environment

Environmental Degradation • Flooding
Photo by mikecogh

Aryan Migrations and Interactions

Mostly to India

Importance of Clans

Clans • Barter System

Aryan Language

Sanskrit • Hindi

Aryan Religious Traditions

Pre-Hindu •Brahmin

Aryan and Dravidian Beliefs

Karma • Dharma • Upanishads
Photo by ravalli1

China's First Civilization

Yellow River • Gobi Desert • Silk

China's First Rulers

Yu • Xia Dynasty

The Shang Dynasty

Empire • Kings

Economy, Technology, and Trade

Jade • Bronze • Chariots


Oracle Bones •Ancestor Veneration

Cultural and Scientific Contributions

Pictographs • Musical Instruments
Photo by Buster&Bubby

The End of the Shang Dynasty

Wu Challenges Yu
Photo by IvanWalsh.com

The Zhou Dynasty

Mandate of Heaven



Trade and Agriculture

Copper Coins • More Food, More People


More Money, More Cities
Photo by Beaulawrence

Zhou Achievements

Invaders • Weak Central Government

The Decline of the Zhou Dynasty

Zhou State Squabbling
Photo by toffehoff

The First American Civilizations

Distinct Crops • Lack Draft Animals
Photo by r-z

The Chavin

Pre-Inca • Llama • Andes
Photo by simononly

The Olmec

Giant Heads • Grandfather Civilization

The Pacific Peoples


The Austronesian Speakers

Aboriginals • Polynesians
Photo by jdnx

Easter Island

Stone Statues • Sweet Potatoes • Chickens
Photo by Knowsphotos