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Chapter 2

Published on Jul 11, 2017

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Chapter 2

The Thirteen Colonies and the British Empire 

Chapter 2.1

 The First British Settlements

Chapter 2.2

 A Rough Start

Chapter 2.3

 Equality and Exploitation

Chapter 2.4

 Economic Exploitation

Early English Settlements

Joint-Stock Company - Push/Pull Factors


First Colony - 1607 

Early Problems

Disease - Starvation - Pocahontas 

Transition to a Royal Colony

Tobacco - Virginia - Fail Upwards

Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay

Religiously Motivated

The Plymouth Colony

England, Holland, Massachusetts - Mayflower - Pilgrims 

Early Hardships

First Thanksgiving 

Massachusetts Bay Colony

 Puritans - John Winthrop - City Upon A Hill

Early Political Institutions

 House of Burgesses (Virginia) - Mayflower Compact (New England)

Limits to Colonial Democracy

Only Male Property Owners 

The Chesapeake Colonies


Religious Issues in Maryland

Acts of Toleration - Protestant Revolt 

Labor Shortages

High Death Rate - Tobacco 
Photo by aunullah

Indentured Servants

7 Year Contract - Balloon Payment 

Headright System

50 Acres To Immigrants 


 Institution Has To Be Created - For Life - Hereditary

Economic Problems


Conflict in Virginia

Bacon's Rebellion - Lasting Problems 

Development of New England

Puritan Dominated

Rhode Island

 Roger Williams - Anne Hutchinson - Tolerant to Other Religions & Indians


First Written Constitution - Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 

New Hampshire

Last New England Colony 

Halfway Covenant

Conversion Experience - No Longer Required 

New England Confederation

Military Alliance - First Multistate Action 

King Philip's War

Metacom Unites Indians - Colonists Win 

Restoration Colonies

Charles II - Late 17th Century 

The Carolinas

Tobacco - Rice - Slavery 

New York

New Amsterdam - Taxation With Eventual Representation 

New Jersey

Split From New York 

Pennsylvania and Delaware

 Quakers - God Is Within - Equality - Friends

Georgia: The Last Colony

Buffer State - Debtors Prison - Poorest Colony  

Mercantilism and the Empire

Colonies Exist to Enrich Mother Country 

Acts of Trade and Navigation

Combat Smuggling - Control Trade - Mixed Results and Enforcement 

The Dominion of New England

Combine Colonies - Remove Representation - Resentment 

The Institution of Slavery

50% of Virginia - 66% of North Carolina 

Increased Demand for Slaves

Reduced Migration - Dependable Workforce - Cheap Labor 

Slave Laws

Children of Slaves - No Interracial Marriage - Integral to Society 

Triangular Trade

Raw Goods - Manufactured Goods - Slaves 

Limits to Colonial Democracy

 Male Property Owners Only

William Penn

 The Holy Experiment - Attempted Utopia