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Chapter 20

Published on Jul 11, 2017

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Chapter 20

Becoming A World Power (1865 - 1917)

Chapter 20.1

Manifest Destiny Goes International

Chapter 20.2

 The Spanish American Pandora

Chapter 20.3

International Economic Growth

Chapter 20.4

 Moral and Dollar Diplomacy

The French in Mexico

Monroe Doctrine Invoked

The Purchase of Alaska

Seward's Folley

The "New Imperialism"

 Source Of Raw Materials - Global Markets

International Darwinism

Social Darwinism Grows with Imperialism


Joining European Party


Duty to Christanize


Republican Endorsed

Naval Power

 Influence of Sea Power Upon History - 3rd Largest

Latin America

Monroe Doctrine

Blaine and the Pan-American Conference (1889)

International Trade Collaboration

Cleveland, Olney, and the Monroe Doctrine

 Protect Venezuela for England - US-English Friendship

The Spanish-American War

Cuban Sugar

Causes of War

Jingoism - American Manhood

Cuban Revolt

Failed Revolution - The Spanish Butcher

Yellow Press

Sensationalism - Pulitzer - Hearst

De Lome Letter (1898)

Insults McKinley

Sinking of the Maine

 260 Americans Killed - Unknown Cause

McKinley's War Message

 Declaration of War - Appeases Mob

Teller Amendment

No Cuba

Invasion of Cuba

Splendid Little War - Disease Kills - Rough Riders - Theodore Roosevelt

The Philippines

First Shots Fired In Manila Bay

Annexation of Hawaii

Overthrown Monarch - Sugar

Controversy Over the Treaty of Peace

Cuban Independence - Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines

The Philippine Question

Imperialism Confirmed - Asian Entanglement - Treaty of Paris - Aguinaldo

Other Results of the War

Anti-Imperialist League - William Jennings Bryan

Insular Cases

Constitutional Rights to Conquered People?

Cuba and the Platt Amendment (1901)

 Cuba Independent - American Protectorate - U.S. Naval Base

Election of 1900


Recognition of U.S. Power

American Pride - International Respect Growing

Open Door Policy in China

Free Trade

Boxer Rebellion (1900)

China vs World

Theodore Roosevelt's Big-Stick Policy

McKinley Assassinated - World Power

The Panama Canal

Previously Failed Attempts - Revolution in Colombia

Building the Canal

Decade of Labor - Yellow Fever

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

 U.S. Intervene In Debt Collection - Paternalism

East Asia

Friendly With Japan

Russo-Japanese War

Diplomatic Conference in NH - Nobel Prize

Great White Fleet

Military Power Tour

William Howard Taft and Dollar Diplomacy

1909 Election - William Howard Taft

Intervention in Nicaragua

Military Used To Protect Investment

The Lodge Corollary

Non-Europeans Cannot Own Land

Woodrow Wilson and Foreign Affairs

Isolationist - William Jennings Bryan As Secretary of State

Foreign P's

Philippines - Panama - Puerto Rico

Military Intervention under Wilson

Intervenes in Latin America - Mexican Revolution

Tampico Incident

Blockade New Government - ABC Mediation

Pancho Villa and the U.S. Expeditionary Force

Kills Americans in Texas & New Mexico

Railroads In China

Invest In New Chinese Republic

The Philippines

 Territorial Status - Bill of Rights - Independence Promised

Puerto Rico

 Granted U.S. Citizenship - Limited Self-Government

The Panama Canal

U.S. Will Pay Canal Tolls

"Gentlemen's Agreement"

 Restrict Emigration - Repeal Japanese Segregation