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Chapter 24

Published on Jul 11, 2017

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Chapter 24

The Great Depression and the New Deal (1929 - 1939) 

Chapter 24.1

The Stock Market Crash

Chapter 24.2

The New Deal

Chapter 24.3

An Era of Extremes

Chapter 24.4

Daily Depression Life

Wall Street Crash


Black Thursday and Black Tuesday

Massive Selling

Causes of the Crash

Many Overlapping Causes

Uneven Distribution of Income

5% Recieve 33% of Income

Stock Market Speculation

 Buying On Margin

Excessive Use of Credit

Massive Debt

Overproduction of Consumer Goods


Weak Farm Economy

Farmers As Weak Backbone

Government Policies

Bank Failures

Global Economic Problems

Global Depression


Way of Life Changes - 25% Unemployment - Changing Politics 

Hoover's Policies

Laissez Faire - Hoovervilles

Responding to a Worldwide Depression

Isolationism - Hawley Smoot - Debt Moratorium

Domestic Programs: Too Little, Too Late

Federal Farm Board - Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Despair and Protest

Unrest on Farms - Bonus March

Election of 1932

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hoover as "Lame-Duck" President

Time Between Election and Office Changed

Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal

 Federal Government Expands

FDR: The Man

Disability - Eleanor Roosevelt

New Deal Philosophy

Three R's - Brain Trust

The First Hundred Days

Most Productive Congress - WPA, AAA, CCC, NRA

Bank Holiday

Announced in Fireside Chat

Financial Recovery and Reform Programs

 Banks - Mortgages - Loans - FDIC

Relief for the Unemployed

Welfare - PWA - CCC - TVA

Farm Production Control Program

AAA - Reduce Production

Other Programs of the First New Deal

 SEC - Remove Gold Standard

The Second New Deal

Relief & Reform

Relief Programs

Works Progress Administration - Resettlement Administration


 Wagner Act - Federal Taxes

The Social Security Act

Retirement - Disability

The Election of 1936

 Landslide Victory

Opponents of the New Deal

Liberal Critics - Conservative Critics


 Charles Coughlin - Francis Townsend - Huey Long - UBI

The Supreme Court

 NRA & AAA Ruled Unconstitutional

Court Reorganization Plan

Pack Courts - Outrage - Unnecessary

Rise of Unions

Wagner Act

Formation of the C.I.0.

More Open - More Diverse - Unskilled Labor


Automobiles - Steel 

Fair Labor Standards Act

Minimum Wage - 40 Hours - Child Labor

Recession, 1937-1938

Economic Slump - "Balance the Budget"

Keynesian Economics

Deficit Spending

Weakened New Deal

Conservative Democrats - Court Packing - Nazis Attract Foreign Attention

Life During the Depression

Depression Mentality


Women in Workforce - Lower Wage

Dust Bowl Farmers

Grapes of Wrath

African Americans

Last Hired - First Fired - New Deal Doesn't Help


Low Paying Jobs - Federal Positions

Fair Employment Practices Committee

 A. Philip Randolph - March on Washington

American Indians

Returned Land Paternalistically

Mexican Americans


Last Phase of the New Deal

 Lost Steam By Second Term