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Chapter 7

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Hound of the Baskerville :CHAPTER 7

BY:SRIAMSHA DUBBAKA, Rayyan Syed, Riley Weber

Close read question 1

  • How does Doyle further develop the setting of the moor in this chapter?What new elements are added?
Photo by sake028

Doyle further develops the setting of the moor by having Stapleton describe it and having Beryl warn Watson away from the moor, which helps build suspense, Stapleton’s description builds the setting, as he talks about how people can sink into the moor

Photo by sake028

Close Read question 2

  • What are Watson's impressions of Stapleton and Beryl?Are these characters to be trusted?

The first impressions that Watson has aren't good ones. Watson believes they are suspicious people, especially after Beryl came to him and told him to leave.
Also, if Jack Stapleton warned Watson about how dangerous the moor can be, why would he go off blindly running into the moor chasing a butterfly?

Close read question 3

  • Why does Beryl warn Watson away from Devonshire? Is her explanation satisfactory?Why ar why not?
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Beryl warns Watson because she thinks Watson is Sir Henry and she believes in the hound of the Baskervilles. I don’t think her explanation is satisfactory, certainly after she tells him not to mention it to her brother. She may think that it is not safe in the town but telling the person to go far away seems overblown. Lots of the towns people debate the hound so her explanation is not a certain fact to be ushered away by.

Photo by medranotori

Close read question 4

  • Describe Watson as a narrorator in this chapter. What is his point of view like? (What adjectives would you use to describe him as a narrator.)
Photo by i k o

In this chapter Watson questions himself a lot, forcing the reader to also think about the questions he is asking himself and try to figure out their answers. Watson's point of view in this chapter forces the reader to think like him. He is a very doubtful nararator in this chapter which confused the reader even more and it isnt as easy to figure out the mystery.

Photo by i k o

17 word Summary

By:Rayyan Syed

Detective Watson and Stapleton hear the howl of the baskervilles, and Beryl warns Watson to leave moor

Character Anaylsis

By:Riley Weber

At the beginning of the chapter 7 everyone has confused mood about the crying. They all are questioning each other so they all have tones that seem to be ambivalent. This means they all seem to be questioning each other and the Barrymores seem to be heavily questioned, when they find Mrs. Barrymore was crying they then leave to the Stapleton’s. The mood soon becomes dark as they are very close to the moor. Their tone seem very calm as Watson and Mr. Stapleton have a easy conversation. Then when Mrs. Stapleton yells at him to leave things become more tense and he becomes cautious. They all have hostile tone other than Mr. Stapleton after Mrs. Stapleton’s outrage. When Watson is leaving he has a happy mood and tone because he has just found new information.

Five Challenging Words

By:Sriamsha Dubbaka
Photo by contemplicity

5 challenging Words

  • Conceivable
  • Credulous
  • Propitious
  • Excursion
  • Efface
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Makes sense
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Leisure Walk or trip
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