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Characteristics of a Moral Person

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Characteristics of a Moral Person

Kaleigh Mulcahy MOD G

Recognizing when others are in need and choosing to help them, or CHARITY, is a quality you would find in a moral person.

Being courageous and taking responsibility when you are needed demonstrates VALOR.

RESPECT for you self and other is key for a moral person. It demonstrates that they find value in those they associate with.

UNDERSTANDING where someone is coming from and being with them is what it means to be understanding. It is an intellectual and emotional demonstration of compassion.

Committing oneself to an area of interest, whether it be faith or a hobby, it is common for a moral person. Good moral people often fully invest themselves where they are needed, they show DEVOTION.

Although it is difficult to choose the right path sometimes, a person with good morals will likely choose the way that benefits God, others and themselves, showing RIGHT JUDGEMENT.

ENCOURAGEMENT is common for good moral people to show. They advocate for others and push them to do their best, usually leading by example.