影子的大小 Yǐngzi de dàxiǎo (The size of the shadow) 物体与光源的巨鹿越近,所形成的影子就越大 Wùtǐ yǔ guāngyuán de jù lù yuè jìn, suǒ xíngchéng de yǐngzi jiù yuè dà (The closer the object is to the light source, the bigger the size of the shadow)
影子的形状 Yǐngzi de xíngzhuàng (The shape of shadows) 光源照射的方向和物体摆放的方式会影响影子的形状 Guāngyuán zhàoshè de fāngxiàng hé wùtǐ bǎi fàng de fāngshì huì yǐngxiǎng yǐngzi de xíngzhuàng (The shape of the shadow of an object changes according to the position of the source of light)
These slides are based on Chapter 6 of the Std 5 SJKC School Science Text Book For The KSSR Year 5 Syllabus Prepared by Mumsgather for http://mumsgather.blogspot.com