Characteristics of Successful Distance Learning Programs
(Sarvgyan, 2018). [Image].
Distance learning replaces the traditional face-to-face instruction with the application of technology. Students use this technology to learn content despite distance and time. It is a trend in education that continues to grow as student needs evolve. Three specific characteristics make a distance education program successful: student-centered, communication, and collaboration (Casey, 2008).
Thriving distance education programs are all focused on student-centered learning. Educational institutions create a framework that best suits the needs of learners when they take into consideration student interests and learning styles. Efficient platforms allow students to take ownership of their learning (Wang, Peng, Huang, Hou, & Wang, 2008).
Communication is a critical component of a productive distance education program. Students and stakeholders must actively converse to ensure content is understood and expectations conveyed. Students need an open forum where they can ask questions, and teachers can impart information. Feedback is crucial for learner growth and development. This form of communication helps guide students and build their confidence as they navigate the learning process (Lister, 2014).
Collaboration is a key component of distance education.
Collaboration can occur through multi-media options available to learners such as online educational chat forums, interactive databases, email, blogs, videos, and podcasts. Students excel when given opportunities to connect with others because the experience enhances their learning (Casey, 2008). (The Hans India, 2016). [Image].
Distance Learning for
the 21st Century
Twenty-first Century [Video file].
(SharonK12, 2018). [Image].
The role of school counselors is changing as distance education grows. They have the task of ensuring that students are ready to embrace the technology that is needed for online education. Counselors need to develop a platform for how to address the social, academic, and career and college readiness domains as they pertain to distance education.
(Currie, 2010).
Confidentiality issues arise when counselors help students online. There must be research and training to provide counselors with the tools necessary to navigate this change (Currie, 2010). (The Atlantic, 2015). [Image].
Distance learning is the growing trend in education. In order to ensure learner success, educational institutions must be mindful of student interests and needs (Wang et al., 2008). Communication and collaboration must be at the forefront of the programs developed for learners of all ages, and research should be ongoing in order implement new programs that keep up with the demand of learners (Lister, 2014 & Casey, 2008).
Casey, D. (2008). “A journey to legitimacy: The historical development of distance education through technology.” Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning 52(2), 45-51.
Currie, N. (2010). Virtual counseling for students enrolled in online educational programs. Educational Considerations, 37(2), 22-26.
Lister, M. (2014). Trends in the design of e-learning and online learning. Journal of Online
Learning & Teaching, 10(4), 671-680.
The Hans India. (2016). [Image]. Retrieved from
Twenty-first Century Skills [Video file]. Retrieved from
Wang, Y., Peng, H., Huang, R., Hou, Y., & Wang, J. (2008). Characteristics of distance learners:
Research on relationships of learning motivation, learning strategy, self-efficacy, attribution and learning results. Open Learning, 23(1),17-28.