The Carolingian Empire ruled nearly all of Christian Europe from the 8th to the 10th century CE. Long after the demise of the Carolingian Empire, its governmental ideas served as models for medieval rulers, particularly those of its successors, France and Germany.
King Charlemagne was the first Holy Roman Empire, even though no ruler officially held the title until middle of the 13th century. But, on Christmas Day, 800 CE, Charlemagne had been crowned emperor in Rome by Pope Leo lll. He had already overthrew most of all the western and Central Europe, and the papacy saw him as a potential defender against the powerful Byzantine Empire in east.
Carolus Mangus or Charles the great, Charlemagne is believed to be born on April 2, 742 to pippin and betrada. Charlemagne was physically and personally imposing, towering over his peers, according to his biographer Einhard. He had long hair and large eyes, his face was cheerful and full of laughter. In his biography, Einhard describes a man who was most personable and often who had many guests to dinner, where he dined on food but only drank in moderation, while German epic tales where told or pages from the works of Saint Augastine of hippo where read.
He took pains to educate his children and often took them riding and hunting, pastimes he excelled and wich he enjoyed greatly. He was also deeply religious, according to the climate of the age, he attended mass regularly, and homered the pope, bishops, and abbots.
The development of intellectual awareness or intellectual rebirth and art which marked the Middle Ages, in the second half of the 8th century there is a new uplift in these fields. Such as art, writing and learning and knowledge.
Religion and learning the knowledge of god was important to Charlemagne because he wanted to rule under the grace of god. Because of this he would go and conquer new lands, but force them to convert or they would potentially die.