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Charles Darwin

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Charles Darwin Evolution

BY: Ania White

Charles Darwin

Photo by kevin dooley

Darwin's Contributions

  • Genology
  • Discovered common ancestors in different species
  • Evolution
Some of Darwin's contributions are:
Discovering common ancestors in different species

Photo by kevin dooley

Charles Darwin?

A English Naturalist who discovered that natural selection was the agent for the transmutation of organisms during evolution. "Origin in species."
Photo by lofaesofa

Untitled Slide

  • English Naturalist
  • Discovered Natural Selcetion
  • Evoluton
  • "Origin in Species"

Charles Darwin

The Origin of species

Charles Darwin credits

  • Natural selection 
  • Discovering the common ancestors in different species
  • Transmutation in naturalization
  • Many Books
  • "Origin of Species" 
Charles Darwin is given credit for a lot of things but here are just a few:
Natural Selection
Discovering the common ancestors in different species
Transmutation in naturalization
Different species in different islands: such as the Galapagos Islands.


Photo by mikebaird


  • 535 days at sea
  • 1200 days on land
  • Lasted 5 years
  • Supposed to last 2 years
  • Different species in different parts of an island
535 Days at sea, 1200 days on land. Accurate identification of living organisms required systematics accessible only in London and Paris.

Charles observation

in the Galapagos Islands


  • Different species on different island
  • Fewer inhabitants 
  • Discovered a section of strata across South America 
  • Different between species of birds and animals on the Galapagos Islands
  • Smaller species hid within bigger species


in Natural Selection
Photo by blmiers2

Natural Selection

  • Over population
  • Constancy in numbers
  • Variation in traits in between same species
  • Survival of the fittest
  • Struggle to survive
Macro-evolution: how species evolve. Natural Selection is quit simple. But there is not enough food for all the offspring so not all survive. Certain characteristics that give the survivors an edge: like Speed and Strength but some weak survive if they are mart enough.


of Evolution
Photo by dbr Atl

EVIdence Of Evolution

  • Growing population
  • Same traits in different species
  • Common ancestors
  • Survival of different specis
  • Different species in different habitats

Enviromental efects

on species over time
Photo by Samuel Todd

Environmental effects over time

  • Environment changes
  • Some species adapt
  • Some species dont
  • Pass genes to their offspring
  • If the generation before survived

different types

of selection
Photo by ninniane

Different types of seletion

  • Stabilizing Selection
  • Disruptive Selection
  • Directional Selction


Photo by jimbowen0306

Tortoise differences

  • Live on Land
  • Plastron is the lower portion
  • Carapace is the upper portion
  • Shy in nature