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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By James L. Swanson Haiku Deck By Wyatt Reichart Genre:Thriller 5th Block

Brief Summary Symbolism and Theme
The day is April 14, 1865 it is 10 p.m. you are in Ford's Theater suddenly you hear a bang from the President's box and look up to see a man emerging from black smoke yelling "Sic semper tyrannis" you recognize the man to be John Wilkes Booth. You then hear the Secretary of State has been stabbed. You have no idea what will happen to the future of America. The theme of chasing Lincoln's Killer is Own Up To Your Actions and Violence Be Gets More Violence.

Figurative Language and Imagery
The first Figurative Language I chose was a simile "His eyes were like a jewel" I chose this because it shows Booth's complexion. The second is foreshadowing "To Booth's surprise there was no guard" This foreshadows his assassination. For imagery my first example is Booth killing Lincoln "Booth had his 44. caliber Derringer and a Rio Grande Camp Knife he reached out his right arm he was so close he could tap the president with the muzzle of his gun if he wanted to" I chose this because it shows how close Booth was to the President. The next imagery example is a little after Lincoln was shot "Booth leaped from the stage with an odd landing injuring his foot. He went onto the stage raised his bloody knife and yelled 'The south is avenged!" This shows when Booth jumped from the stage.

Photo by cliff1066™

Major Conflicts and Category
The first conflict is with George Atzerodt which happened to be Man Vs. Self or internal. George Atzerodt's job was to assassinate Vice President Johnson he often debated on whether to carry out the mission when he expressed his feelings with Booth he was threatened to carry out the mission. Later Atzerodt would abort the mission and go to a bar. The second conflict is Man Vs. Man or External which was with Booth and his pursuers. Booth would leave the theater after firing a shot into Lincoln and a manhunt would gather containing him and Ex-Union soldiers.

Mood and Suspense
The mood is very tense. This is showed in this excerpt "Onstage there were four scenes left before the end of the play. It was around 10 PM. Booth Plunged his hands into his pocket and withdrew his weapons" A suspenseful part of the book is the assassination "Booth's thumb pulled back the hammer of the Derringer until he heard it cock into firing position"

Biography James L. Swanson
James is an attorney with no given information on where he lives he was born in Chicago Illinois on February 12 1970

James L Swanson was inspired to write his own Young Adult book. He loved Lincoln from the age of 10.

Bibliography Swanson, James "Books Classics." Books Classics. N.p., n.d. Web. May. 2014
Swanson Classic, Young adult N.p., n.d. Web. May. 2014
Historical Classic edgar Award N.p., n.d. Web. May. 2014