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Sport Goods

JAF Sport Goods idea is to provide good sport equipments to younger african athlete to help them to play and enjoy their passion in the right way

JAF sport goods it is part of a wider social impact project in Cameroon strognly linked to the practice of basketball in the country’s school

-sports clothes suitable for indoor and outdoor basketball practice
-sports equipment such as balls, obstacles, cones, ...


-Collaborate with schools and clubs to develop project
-Create advertising campaigns to make our products known during matches to parents, fans and enthusiasts
-Collaborate with local shops and the local population to root the product in the local culture


-basketball but sport in general is good for health but in the context of the project it takes children away from the dangers of the streets and from goals to pursue
-create job opportunities
-Sport can be used as a vehicle for social integration and eliminate fictitious barriers created by different beliefs


There are other players in our market but I think it is only beneficial for all of us and that there is room for everyone to develop their own idea which must mainly be to help the community to develop interest and passion for sport in general.

Thank you

Matt Price

Haiku Deck Pro User