- Screening and Identification
- Baseline
- Daily Data Entry
- Progress Monitoring
Because CICO is a group-based, standardized intervention, it is efficient and cost-effective. For example, the program can accommodate a number of students, and students can enter the program within a few days following referral. CICO also provides a built-in system for
(a) monitoring students’ progress in the program (b) evaluating the fidelity of implementation, and (c) transitioning to a self-managed program.
Screening and Identification: The Behavior Support Team utilizes office discipline referrals and staff recommendations to screen for students who might benefit from CICO.
Baseline: To determine current levels of functioning, baseline data are collected for 3 to 5 days while parental permission is obtained.
Daily Data Entry: Individual student data are entered daily into the CICO Section of SWIS.
Weekly Review: The Behavior Support Team reviews data weekly or biweekly
Progress Monitoring: The Behavior Support Team uses student data to make the following decisions about individual student’s response to the intervention:
o Continue CICO
o Modify and continue
o Fade to self-managed program
o Exit and evaluate for alternative supports or individualized, tier III interventions
Data Updates: At least monthly, school staff and parents receive information about the overall program and individual students, as appropriate(Cheney,D. A., Stage, S. A., Hawken, L. S., Lynass, L., Mielenz, C. & Waugh, M.2009)