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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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i am a cheerleader at claiborne fundamental magnet
Photo by Ed Yourdon

In the late 1800s, crowds joined in chants at Princeton University.

Cheerleading was born at the University of Minnesota.

Lawrence Herkimer introduced the pom pom.

Herkimer's nickname was Herkie.

Herkie helped form the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA).

Photo by suet43

Texas is often associated with cheerleading. There was a mother in Texas who tried to hire a hit man to kill a rival cheerleader, so her daughter could be on the squad.
In the United States, around 80 percent of all schools have a cheer squad.

Photo by uMontreal.ca

Dropping the spirit stick will bring you bad luck. This idea got started at a cheer camp somewhere and was popularized with the movie Bring It On. It is just a stick and while it is fun to talk about passing the spirit stick, accidentally dropping it won't do anything to you except make you bend over to pick it up.

Photo by heraldpost

The size of your feet affects your cheerleading. In the past, some have said that the smaller your feet, the better you can cheer. There is no scientific basis to this theory. Cheerleaders wear all different sizes of shoes.

Photo by heraldpost

Cheerleaders have to be skinny. This simply isn't true. Since the base of a pyramid needs to have a solid muscle structure and the flyer needs to be light, cheerleaders come in all shapes and sizes. With that said, cheerleaders do need to be in good physical condition.

Photo by heraldpost

I think cheer leading is so fun. I am a cheerleader myself. Its also a sport and I love sports.

Photo by heraldpost