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Welcome and cover topic for todays presentation and why it is practical (the amount of conspiracy theories out there makes it important you know what they really are).

1 minute for intro and objectives
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Chemtrails vs contrails

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Contrails vs chemtrails

the conspiracy
Welcome and cover topic for todays presentation and why it is practical (the amount of conspiracy theories out there makes it important you know what they really are).

1 minute for intro and objectives

for the students to be able to distinguish between contrails and chemtrails by the end of the lesson.

in a classroom setting with information provided by the instructor.

students are to be graded on questions at the end of the presentation.

Change by 01:00


Go between questioning and lecturing depending on classes familiarity with the subject.

5 minutes on Contrails. Change by 04:00.

Question - Does anyone know what a contrail is?

Answer - the cloud like vapour trails left behind by larger aircraft.

Follow up - How are they formed?

Answer - they are caused by the supercooling of the water in the exhaust gases by the cold air at high altitude or any where with exceptionally low temperatures.

Question - Where does the water come from?

Answer - when the fuel is burnt in the engine we require oxygen for the reaction to take place, this results in carbon dioxide and water as our products.


Question - Does anybody know what factors might affect the formation of a contrail or contrails?

Answer - temperature and humidity are the two major driving forces behind both the size and life span of the contrails.

Depending on you weather they can form at any altitude given the temperature is lower enough.

Change by 06:00


5 minutes on Chemtrails. Change by 08:00

Moving to Chemtrails. They're much different to what conspiracy theorists make them out to be.

Does anybody have any ideas on what they maybe used for?

Allow the students to discuss.

Possible answers:
- Agricultural spraying
- Insect control
- Invasive plant control
- Oil spill clean up
- In the past for chemical warfare.

The image shown is of a US Air Force C-130 Hercules modified to spray Mosquitos in the southern states as well as being able to do plant control and oil clean up duties as well.

All of these tasks are preformed at low altitudes of approximately 1000ft or less to make for more precise application and minimise dispersal.


In this image we have multiple aircraft spraying jungle during the Vietnam War.

Question - Does anyone know what and why they're spraying?

Answer - they're spraying any one of the rainbow herbicides of the era all designed to kill both the jungle to reduce cover and crops to stave the Viet Cong.

Again in this example the chemicals are being applied at low altitude although accurate application wasn't a priority for these missions the aim being to eliminate as much food and cover as possible.

Change by 10:00.


Agricultural aircraft doing crop dusting or spraying chemical do it at altitudes as low as a few feet sometimes touching the plants with their tyres. This is to minimise the risk of wasting chemical or it drifting to undesired areas.

Change to Hand out by 11:00


Hand out answer sheet for students to fill in when answering the multi choice questions. Explain that we will go though the questions and options on the projector but the answering is personal on the sheet. Once the questions are complete they're to swap with their neighbour for marking.

1. What causes contrails?

a. the government
b. super cooled water in exhaust gases
c. chemicals in jet fuel
d. water injected jet engines

6 minutes for handout and questions.

Change by 13:00.

2. Where are aerial chemicals applied?

a. high altitude (30,000ft +)
b. low altitude (c. only in the United States of America
d. both a and c

Change by 15:00

3. What are aerials chemicals used for in the modern day?

a. oil spill clean up
b. pest control
c. crop health
d. a,b and c

Once the questions are complete they're to swap with their neighbour for marking.

Change by 17:00
Photo by jeffreyw


question 1. b. super cooled exhaust gases
question 2. b. low altitude (question 3. a,b and c

thank you for your attention.

Pass mark is 2/3.


Conclusion - So now we are all familliar with the differences between contrails and chemtrails and should be able to dismiss and false stories of airliners having chemtrails.

Thank you for your attention.

Finish by 20:00.

Photo by Greg Marshall