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Chess is a game that is played on a board with figures and the goal is to checkmate the opposing player.

Photo by ἀλέξ

The pawn is the weakest piece on the board but in the endgame it is quite important piece. It is worth one point.

Photo by digtem

The knight is the only piece that can jump over other pieces. It only moves in L shapes. It is worth three points.

The bishop only moves on the diagonals and you begin with a light squared and a dark squared bishop. It is worth three points.

Photo by pianowow

The rook is a strong piece and it goes up, down, left and right. It is a major piece. It is worth five points.

Photo by greeddo

The Queen is the strongest piece on the board it is worth nine points. It moves horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

Photo by pianowow

The king is the most important piece on the board. It is worth unlimited points. During the game it can’t be taken off the board.

The game can end in checkmate, stalemate and resigning. Checkmate is when a king can’t move and it is attacked.