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Cheyenne Tribe

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Cheyenne Tribe

by Angelina Smith Pre-AP LA 8-1


  • Great Plain
  • Montana
  • Oklahoma

Daily Life

  • Men- hunters, warriors, and chief
  • Women- in charge of the hom
  • Children- play, school, help around the hous
Photo by Thiophene_Guy


  • Lived in teepee
  • Built like a tent, easy to set up and take down quickly..
  • Moved frequently to follow the buffalo herd
  • used buffalo hide to cover teepee
  • Women always built the hous
Photo by deanpence


  • Ate maize, squash, beans, fruits, berries, deer, some fish,and much buffalo
  • Men hunted deer and buffalo
  • They were farmers... grew fruits and berries
  • Men occasionaly went fishing
Photo by CIMMYT

Beliefs and Traditions

  • Mateo- name means "Great One", known as the creator(God)
  • Had many other gods
Photo by amaianos


  • Used a type of dog sled called a Travois
  • When traveling by river, they used a type of raft
Photo by otisarchives4

Tribe Defenders

  • Cheyenne Dog Soldiers
  • They were the tribe defenders
  • Dressed in a Dog type mask and used weapons to scare away the enemy


  • Used buffalo hide for clothing and blankets


  • After going to southern reservation, 2/3 of their population were sick with malaria in less than two months
Photo by Thiophene_Guy


  • Arapaho tribe
  • They often shared land and territory