Child labour also defies the church’s teaching of the common good. The common good refers to the good of everyone in the community. The violation of these children is not showing good within the community as they have been deprived of a childhood and have been forced to be a part of this corrupt environment while being taken advantage of. The universal destination of goods refers to God’s creation being used to benefit everyone. The use of children for others benefit is misusing the creation God has created and is therefore, disobeying him.
It is only moral to look after and care for children until their bodies and minds are sufficiently developed. This includes education, food, shelter and support. The church’s social doctrine states that this child exploitation is a serious violation of a child’s dignity. Catholic social teaching tells us that we should live in a just society. This slavery these children are forced to undergo opposes the teaching as the world they live in is unjust and unfair, full of violation and violence.
Together we pray that:
Single parent households, often headed by women who are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, are cared for and helped to find ways out of poverty.
Child-headed households, where children have to work hard to keep the family going, will be given support.
All children, regardless of their financial situations, can experience an education where their spiritual, physical, emotional and academic needs are met.
Together we pray that:
Those elected to government, and leaders would be moved with compassion for the needs of the next generation.
God’s righteousness and justice would be the foundation for government and business structures, no matter what the religious beliefs of those in positions of power.