Spanish is the most common language in Chile. Chileans call their language "Castellano."
The way the Chileans speak their Spanish a little differently than they would in other places such as Mexico. Chileans add word endings to their language, like "ito." Ito means small, so instead of them saying "boy" they would say little boy.
The first Rodeo ever held in Chile, was around 400 years ago. It was called "la fiesta huasa." Rodeos in Chile are different that ones in North America. Huge crowds came to watch. There are 2 horseback riders in the pit trying to corner the bull against the edge of the rodeo ring. The team that can corner the bull the fastest and best wins the compitition. The riders were clothing thats traditional, such as flat hats, boots, spurs, and brightly colored ponchoes.
Chileans most favorite common holiday is Independence Day, on September 18. In 1810 on that day the Chileans started to work towards their own Independence from Spain. Chileans enjoy to drink and eat together on this holiday. The day after that is another event called Arms Forces Day. On this 2nd holiday Chileans enjoy parades, attending rodeos, and preforming the national folk dance called "Cueca."
Chileans eat their main meals in the middle of the day, and eat a lighter meal around 8-10 p.m. Chileans eat with a fork in one hand and a knife in another. At resteraunts, the way the waiter is summoned to a table is the customer must raise a finger. It is considered rude if a waiter interrupts their eating. It is also considered rude if someone eats food in public unless its ice cream.
Flat circle deep fried bread, made from pumpkin and flour.
Most Chileans are of Christian Faith. More than 80% of the population go to the Roman Catholic Church. There is also a small Jewish population. State and Church are separated and religious freedom is garenteed..