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  • History
  • Georaphy
  • Education
  • Recreation
  • Citizens and religion
  • Seasons
  • Cities
  • Flag and products
  • Trivia
Photo by Mauro Pesce

Ferdinand Magellan
Was the first European to see Chile.

Photo by WalterPro4755

Chile started rebelling Spain in 1810.

Photo by dbnunley

Chilean rebels joined armies with José de San Martin in 1817.

Photo by Scott*

atacameño, Diaguita, Araucanian, Mapuche, Selk'nam are Early inhabiters

Chile is 2,672 miles long
And is 112 miles wide.

Chile is located at the South west coast of South America

Chile schools focus on mostly history, math, and Spanish

Photo by Al_HikesAZ

Most schools in Chile wear Uniforms.

Photo by Tim Moffatt

Students Usually start at 4-6 for pre-school, then from 6-13 for primary school.

The most popular sport in Chile is soccer.

Photo by jikatu

In Chile, fishing and surfing are popular activities.

Photo by monkeyc.net

Chueca is a game like hockey but played on a field or a court.

Photo by RoHerreraP

There are 18,131,850 people living in Chile.

Photo by faith goble

Citizens love birds like the Andean condor

Chile is 84% Christian.

Photo by theqspeaks

There are four seasons in Chile.

Photo by thekeithhall

The winter months are June, July, and August.

Photo by blmiers2

The summer months are December, January and February.

Photo by Olof S

The capital of Chile is Santiago.

Photo by Piper...

Some popular cities in Chile are Coihaque and Punta Arenas

Chile's flag is red, white, and blue with a white star.

Photo by Nick James

The Blue part on the Chile flag represents Chile's blue sky.

Photo by gotencool

The red part of the Chile flag represents the blood shed.

Photo by Grauke/O

Copper is a big product in Chile.

Photo by tanakawho

Now I will have a quiz for you.

Photo by albertogp123

What is Chile's national bird and its wingspan?

A. Andean Condor -
B. Andean Condor -
15ft. 8in.
C. Chilean Condor -
10ft. 6in.
D. Chilean Condor -
15 ft. 8in.

Photo by Dylan Luder

What game, invented by the Mapuche men, is popular throughout Chile?

A. Chuchu
C. ChaCha
D. Chece

Photo by tuchodi

What is the name of the biggest open copper mine in the world found in Chile?

A. Chincula
B. Chuecama
C. Chelca

Photo by peatc

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