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Published on Nov 23, 2015

Memorial High School WHAP Project



Ancient civilizations
Photo by whitecat sg


  • Beginning of civilization
  • Three Cultural Heroes vs. Three Wise Sage Kings
  • Shang Kings 1500 B.C.E.
  • Divided territories and power
  • Invasions
• Civilization began around 4000 B.C.E. which was the start of many Chinese empires. This region is said to be the cradle of Chinese civilization.
• According to Chinese history, Huang He history begins with the Three Cultural Heroes who were legendary figures that invented important objects and ideas such as writing, agriculture, government, and Taoism.
• However, most Western historians believe it started with The Three Wise Sage Kings (2000 B.C.E): Said to be the most prosperous time.
• King Yao: a virtuous ruler known for bringing harmony to society
• King Shun: regulated the four seasons, weights, measures, and units of time
• King Yu: rescued China from raging floods of the Yellow River. Founded Hsia dynasty of kings which was eventually overthrown by the Shang dynasty.
• 1500 B.C.E., Shang kings ruled over the Huang He Valley from the capital of Anyang which is in northeastern China along the Huang He.
• The kingdom was divided into different territories that were ruled by aristocratic war lords or military leaders.
• Although they were leaders of their land the King still had the power to add and remove them whenever he chose.
• However, invasions disrupted and caused a temporary declined in civilization.


  • Silk manufacturing and trading: Silk Road
  • Main: Agriculture
  • Bronze-Age: Metal-working importance
  • Technology: Advantages
  •  Mining
In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, early Chinese civilizations pioneered silk manufacturing which led to the development of the Silk Road which enabled the trading of goods from far off regions.
Early Chinese economies were mainly based off agriculture due to fertile soil and advances in the way crops were grown.
Advances in technology such as irrigation systems and millet and wheat cultivation enabled the growth of more crops and therefore a larger economy.
The Shang and Zhou dynasty existed during the bronze age and as such great importance was placed on metal-working as it provided diversity to the economy of that time.
Mining was also another important economical staple. Most were salt mines.



  • Confucianism: stresses political virtue and respect for social order
  • Legalism: a political movement considered a religion
  • Daoism: respect for nature and spirituality; the least imposing religion

Founded by Conficius- lives from 551-478 B.C.E. - a philosopher but not a religious leader. Confucianism consists of philosophical and ethical teachigs. However, Confucianism is classified as a religion.

Goals of Confucianism

-Reverence for superiors and traditions.
-It mainly stresses upon political virtue and social order. Political leaders are expected to show compassion towards their people. They are also expected to be humble and sincere.
-For subordinates like people, it was highly recommended to show obedience and respect.
-It is believed that a perfect gentlemen is described by their benevolence and self-control.


-Legalism is another system of political thought that arose during Qin an early Han periods.
-Its ideas were in favor to government that ruled by force. They believed humans require restraint.
-It was only successful by combining its strong arm tactics with Confucianism.


-It is a religious philosophy that arose at the same time as Confucianism. At first it appealed to upper class who had interests in spirituality.
-Daoist named Lao-Zi promoted Daoism to reach rout for more audience.
-He stated that nature contains a divine impulse which directs all life. He believed understanding comes from withdrawing and thinking of nature.
Photo by Omar A.


  • Hierarchy scale: nobles, warriors, peasants
  • Males vs. Females
  • Social structure shapes economy
Ancient Chinese civilization had an early concept of complex social structure that the countries use today. The civilization hierarchy which divided the people in the civilization into 3 groups or classes. The highest of them being the kings and nobles. The kings and nobles were responsible of leading the government and giving lands to different lords for them to maintain. Lords and warriors were the second highest class in the civilization. The lords paid taxes to the king and employed warriors who protected the land that was given to the lords. Peasants, the lowest class, farmed and worked on the land of the lords and also worked for the kinds and the lords. However in each class, male childrens had more value and were preferred by the parents because they were capable of passing down the family name. The preference of boys in the asian culture originated all the way back from the ancient chinese civilization. This kind of social structure also led to the development of economy by the skills and masteries of certain people in the higher class but at the same time, it led to some unfair ways of life for the people who had not acquired the useful skills to move to higher classes.
Photo by Omar A.


  • Ideographic symbols: first forms of writing
  • Astronomy, sciences, riding horses
  • Impressive intellectual system
  • Improved technologies
Writing in the Huang He river civilization ended up as ideographic symbols, from lines etched on bones, and earlier were knotted ropes. The river civilization took an early interest in science, especially astronomy. By 2,000 B.C.E., the Huang He civilization had learned other highly useful skills, such as: riding horses and crafting pottery. Lastly, the civilization had also, by 2,000 B.C.E., grown to have one of the most extensive intellectual system and had developed higher and more improved technologies.
Photo by Omar A.

Earliest forms of Art



Photo by ellenm1


Photo by peterjr1961


Photo by J_Bergez



Untitled Slide

Photo by Dave77459