N=Nomads Nomads were early Chinese travelers that traveled in groups of people that had no set home and moved from place to place in search of food and shelter.
S=Shang Dynasty The Shang dynasty began around 2000 b.c it was considered to be the beginning in of ancient china which is the oldest civilization in the world.
U=Unify Many emperors tried to unify china as a whole country instead of different states, eventually this was achieved but not until later in history.
V=Villages There were many tiny villages in china, most along the border were frequently attacked by others and the villages inside china mostly contained farmers.
W=Wudi From 141 to 87 b.c a man named Wudi ruled china, he was known as the martial emperor because of his achievements in war and gaining land almost to its present day size.
X=Xi'an Xi'an is one of the oldest cities in china with history dating back to almost 3,100 years, it was also known as Chang'an before the Ming dynasty.
Y=Yin Yang Yin Yang is a symbol in Chinese culture that symbolizes two opposites in nature, they are always in pairs such as moon and sun, male and female, dark and light.
Z=Zhou The Zhou people established their dynasty around 1027 b.c. They were one of the first organized Chinese dynasty, however the dynasty ended in a huge state of war.