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Chinese Mythology

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Photo by mendhak

Who are the "divine or supernatural beings" found in your culture's mythology?

Photo by Stéfan

Tieh-Kuai Li - of the Iron Crutch. A healer, Li sits as a beggar in the marketplace selling wondrous drugs, some of which can revive the dead.
Lu Tung-Pin - A hero of early Chinese literature. Renouncing riches and the world, he punished the wicked and rewarded the good, and slew dragons with a magic sword.
T'Shai-Shen -
God of wealth who presides over a vast bureaucracy with many minor deities under his authority. A majestic figure robed in exquisite silks.

Photo by kevin dooley

What symbols represent these beings?

Photo by kevin dooley

TIEH-KUAI Li - Iron Crutch, Health
LU TUNG-PIN - Alchemy, Potion of Life
T'Shai-Shen - Wealth

Photo by Wilson Hui

What characteristics or emotions are often displayed by these beings?

Photo by Xuan Che

Tieh-Kuai Li - healer, beggar
Lu Tung-Pin - heroic, brave
T'Shai-Shen - leader, majestic

Photo by Nick Kenrick.

What are some mythical places or mythical characters (i.e. monsters, creatures) in your culture's mythology?

Photo by epSos.de


  • Pamgu- claimed to be the first sentient and the creator of "the heavens and the earth".
  • Nüwa- her and her brother/husband Fuxi are sometimes worshipped as the ultimate ancestor of all humankind.
  • Chinese Dragon- considered to be the most powerful and divine creature in Chinese mythology.
Photo by snogglethorpe

What religious or spiritual beliefs are demonstrated in their mythology?

Photo by UGArdener


  • East Sea- the domain of Ao Guang, or "the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea", who controls its storms and tides.
  • Diyu- a subterranean maze with various levels and chambers, and is a realm of the dead, or "hell". It's purpose is to punish and renew spirits in preparation for reincarnation.

What religious or spiritual beliefs are demonstrated in their mythology?

Photo by UGArdener

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What are the creation myths of your culture?

The three main religions that run throughout Chinese history are Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Previously confused as one religion they are now recognized as separate practices.

Photo by Wonderlane

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What are the creation myths of your culture?

What are the explanatory myths of your culture?

Photo by williamcho

According to a Chinese myth, at the beginning of time, the universe was the shape of an egg. When the egg broke, a giant, Pan-Gu, came out of it along with two basic elements: Yin and Yang. Yin condensed to become the earth, and Yang formed the sky. After 18,000 years Pan-Gu died. From his head were created the Sun and the Moon, from his blood the rivers and seas, from his breath the wind, and from his voice the thunder.

Photo by zAmb0ni

What are the explanatory myths of your culture?

Photo by williamcho

There are five main views on creation...

When the world was still young, there were ten suns. Each took a turn being pulled through the sky in the chariot of their mother, goddess of the sun. One day, however, the ten suns decided to travel across the sky together. They greatly enjoyed their journey, but it brought disaster on the earth, destroying crops and drying up streams. Dijun, the father of the suns, felt sorry for humans and told his children to behave, but they would not listen. So Dijun sent Yi, a great archer, to earth with a magic bow and arrows to frighten his children into behaving. When Yi realized that neither threats nor persuasion would stop the suns, he shot his arrows into the sky and began killing them. After he finished shooting, only one sun remained—the one that travels through the sky today.

Photo by VinothChandar