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Chinese Philosophies

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Chinese Philosophies

Photo by Keith Roper


Photo by Nagarjun

Origins and Founder

  • Buddhism began in India
  • Buddhism incorporated much of Hinduism in it's practice.
  • Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddism
  • Siddhartha Gautama after experiencing pain, and hardships concluded that the cause of all suffering is Desire.
Photo by epSos.de


  • Desire is the cause of suffering and the way to end suffering is to end desire.
  • Buddhism is based on the Four Noble Truths, and Eightfold Path.
  • Buddhism does not hold a belief in one deity.
  • Many believe that Buddhism is not a religion, but a philosophy that places great emphasis on-
  • a mans actions, his ability to think right, and his coexistence in harmony with the forces of the universe.
Photo by HKmPUA


  • Buddhism spread to Southeast Asia, and to East Asia.
  • This religion is actively trying to convert others.
Photo by zensquared


Origins, and Founder

  • Started in China during the Zhou Dynasty.
  • Feudalism crime was spreading, and Confucius spoke of returning to the moral standards of the ancients.
  • Kung Fu-Tzu (Confucius) founded Confucianism in 551-479 BC
Photo by Nataraj Metz


  • Ethical code dealing with the moral character of individuals, society, and government.
  • Goals: are order, harmony, peace, and happiness on Earth.
  • The most important principles consist with the ideal conduct that controls social actions.
  • The social actions are seen in five relationships: 1. Parent- child, 2. Husband- Wife-
  • 3.Elder sibling- younger sibling, 4.Elder friend- younger friend, and 5. Ruler- subject.